Thatch / Vernacular Search

Reg No: 14403304

Detached five-bay single-storey farmhouse, built c.1820, with central porch. Hipped corrugated-iron roof with rendered chimneystack. Roughcast rendered walls. Timber sash windows with stone sills. ...

Detached four-bay two-storey formerly thatched house with porch, built c.1820, now in ruins. Remains of hipped corrugated-iron roof. Rubble stone and some mud walls with remains of render. Timber s...

Reg No: 14404107

Detached three-bay single-storey farmhouse with dormer attic, built c.1820. Hipped corrugated metal sheet roof, rendered mud walls, and timber sash windows. Two-bay single-storey building set at rig...

Reg No: 14403902

Detached five-bay two-storey farmhouse, built c.1800, now derelict. Hipped thatched roof with rendered chimneystacks. Rendered mud walls. Timber sash windows with stone sills. Outbuildings to site...

Detached four-bay single-storey thatched house, built c.1820, now in use as public house. Single-storey porch addition to entrance elevation. Replacement timber sash windows and red brick chimneysta...

Reg No: 14404402

Seven-bay single-storey thatched house, built c.1820, comprising of four-bay section with buttressed gable to northern end and three-bay section to southern end. Cobbled area to eastern elevation. T...

Reg No: 15305015

Detached four-bay single-storey thatched house, built c.1800, with projecting single-bay lobby porch to west side of front elevation. Hipped roof with Turkish reed thatch in English-style with decora...

Reg No: 13902301

Detached four-bay single-storey lobby-entry thatched house, built c. 1820. Rectangular-plan, entrance porch to north. Suppressed-hipped straw thatched roof secured by chicken wire, metal sheeting to...

Detached five-bay single-storey farmhouse with dormer attic, built c.1760. Hipped thatched roof with corrugated-iron covering and a red brick chimneystack. Roughcast rendered walls. Timber sash win...

Reg No: 14904006

Detached three-bay single-storey thatched farmhouse, built c.1800, extended by two bays to the north and with a flat roof extension to rear. Hipped thatched roof with rendered chimneystack. Pebbleda...

Reg No: 14908008

Detached four-bay single-storey thatched farmhouse, built c.1800, with direct-entry plan but having screen wall to one side of entrance internally. Pitched oaten straw roof with exposed scolloping to...

Reg No: 14907004

Detached four-bay single-storey thatched farmhouse, built c.1800, with direct-entry plan. Pitched scolloped reed roof over oaten straw having lines of scalloping and knotted ropework to the ridge. Lo...

Reg No: 14904016

Detached five-bay single-storey thatched house, built c.1800, with direct-entry plan. Hipped oaten straw roof with decorative knotting, end bobbins and plastic conduit to ridge and hips and plastic c...

Reg No: 14909001

Detached four-bay single-storey thatched farmhouse, built c.1800, with lobby-entry plan. Eastern bay is later addition and has tiled roof and replacement uPVC windows. Rendered stone walls having sm...

Reg No: 15400507

Semi-detached four-bay single-storey vernacular house, built c.1800, with direct-entry plan. Hipped thatch roof with decorative ropework to ridge having a single brick chimneystack. Whitewashed walls ...

Detached five-bay single-storey thatched house, built c.1750, having a projecting single-bay gable-fronted entrance porch to the southeast elevation. Hipped thatched roof with decorative ropework to r...

Reg No: 15400817

Detached four-bay single-storey thatched house with loft level, built c.1800, with windbreak porch on semi-circular plan to front façade (north). Hipped thatched roof with decorative rope ridge/scall...

Detached five-bay single-storey lobby-entry vernacular house, built c. 1800, with flat-roofed single-storey outbuilding attached to the north. Thatched water reed roof with block ridge, hipped to sou...

Detached three-bay single-storey direct-entry vernacular house, built c. 1800, with flat-roofed single storey extension to rear. Pitched thatched roof with raised ridge and rendered central chimneyst...

Detached four-bay single-storey lobby-entry vernacular house, built c. 1800, incorporating two-bay two-storey house, formerly a shop, built c. 1880, to south. Thatched roof with rendered chimneystack...