Freestanding gable-fronted Church of Ireland church, built c. 1776 and altered 1832 and 1865, comprising three-bay hall with three-stage belltower (on square-plan) to the west having ashlar spire over...

Freestanding Catholic cathedral on complex irregular-plan, built 1891-1901, having double-height five-bay nave with clerestory level and single-storey side aisles, double-height two-bay transepts to t...

Mid-terraced three-bay two-storey over basement house with dormer attic level, built c. 1866, having two gable-fronted dormers to the front pitch of roof (south-east). Formerly in use as bed and break...

End-of-terrace two-bay two-storey over basement house with dormer attic level, built c. 1866, having single gable-fronted dormer to the front pitch of roof (south-east). Now in use as office with sing...

Corner-sited end-of-terrace four-bay two-storey former house, built c. 1900, in use as office. Formerly two separate houses, now amalgamated to form a single property. Pitched artificial slate roof wi...

Wall-mounted cast-iron post-box, cast c. 1890 and erected in current site in 1946, having raised 'VR' royal cipher and crown motif to head. 'Post Office' lettering to letter flap, now denuded, and fou...

Main gateway serving Loreto convert (see 40501188), erected c. 1861 or 1900, comprising a pair of carved ashlar sandstone gate piers (on square-plan) having gable-fronted carved sandstone coping over ...

Graveyard associated with Letterkenny Church of Ireland church\Conwal Church of Ireland church (see 40501199), originally laid out c. 1636 and containing a collection of gravemarkers from seventeenth ...

Cast-iron wall-mounted post box, erected c. 1930, having 'Post Office' in raised lettering above letter flap and hinged outward opening casement letter door with keyhole. Foundry mark no longer legibl...

Terraced two-bay two-storey house, built c. 1908, having flat-roofed canted bay window to the south side of the main elevation (east) and single-storey extension to rear (west). One of a group of six ...

Terraced two-bay two-storey house, built c. 1908, having flat-roofed canted bay window to the south side of the main elevation (east) and single-storey extension to rear (west). One of a group of six ...

End-of-terrace two-bay two-storey house, built c. 1908, having flat-roofed canted bay window to the south side of the main elevation (east) and single-storey extension to rear (west). One of a group o...

Terraced two-bay two-storey house, built c. 1895. One of a terrace of five buildings (see 40502022 and 40502025 for other buildings) stepped\staggered along a sloping site. Pitched natural slate roof ...

Terraced two-bay two-storey house, built c. 1895. One of a terrace of five buildings (see 40502022 and 40502023 for other buildings) stepped\staggered along a sloping site. Pitched natural slate roof ...

Attached corner-sited three-bay two-storey former bank, built or rebuilt c. 1905 and altered c. 1931 or 1933, having bankfront\shopfront at ground floor level and multiple-bay two- and three-storey ex...

Attached three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1875, possibly incorporating fabric of earlier building on site. Pitched natural slate roof having projecting rendered eaves course, cast-iron rainwater g...

Freestanding double-height Presbyterian Church over basement level, built 1905-7 and rebuilt c. 1920, having tripartite three-bay front elevation (west) with central single-bay gable-fronted section f...

Detached five-bay single-storey former railway station, dated 1908, having central gable-fronted single-bay projection to the front of the main elevation (west). Now in use as bus station (since 1987)...

Terraced two-bay two-storey house, built c. 1886. One of a terrace of six buildings along with its neighbours to either side (north-west and south-east). Pitched natural slate roof with some cast-iron...

Detached three-bay single-storey vernacular house, built c. 1912. Pitched natural slate roof with rendered chimneystacks to gable ends (north and south) having clay pots over, and projecting eaves cou...