Freestanding six-bay single-storey Catholic church, built c. 1850, with modern projecting vestry to east end. Pitched artificial slate roof with stone cross finial to west gable, smooth rendered chimn...

Freestanding six-bay Presbyterian church, built c. 1780, extended and porch added to east 1868. Pitched artificial slate roof with rendered gable coping and replacement rainwater goods. Roughcast rend...

Detached three-bay two-storey former railway station, built c. 1901, with two-bay two-storey extension to rear, built 1977. Pitched artificial slate, rendered chimneystacks to gable ends, profiled cas...

Detached three-bay gable-fronted Catholic church, built c. 1950, having eight-bay side elevations (north and south), central gable-fronted single-bay single-storey entrance porch to the entrance gable...

Freestanding four-bay Catholic chapel, built 1784, on T-shaped plan with extended sacristy to the west and advanced entrance porch to north of nave. Pitched slate roof with terracotta ridge tiles, smo...

Detached four-bay single-storey vernacular thatched house, built c. 1850, with windbreak porch to front, two-bay extension to west and four-bay outbuilding sited perpendicularly to extension. Now in u...

Detached five-bay two-storey house, built c. 1890, with return and single-storey extension to rear and central porch to front. Pitched slate roof with clayware ridge tiles, gable ended yellow brick ch...

Detached five-bay single-storey vernacular house, built c. 1850 and extended c. 1900, having windbreak porch to front (south), adapted bed outshot to rear (north) with added door, and with single-stor...

Detached four-bay single-storey vernacular house, built c. 1820 and extended c. 1900, having single-bay extension to south-west gable end, bed outshot to rear, single-storey kitchen return, and with w...

Single-arch bridge carrying road over the Keenagh River, built c. 1860. Squared random coursed limestone construction to parapets and spandrels, roughly dressed random rubble stone coping to parapets....

Detached four-bay single-storey vernacular house, built c. 1820, having flat-roofed windbreak porch to front, bed outshot to rear, and two-bay outbuilding attached to west gable. Round pitched flax th...

Carved stone memorial commemorating the poet William Allingham to centre of east parapet of Ballyshannon Bridge (40852064), erected c. 1895, comprising rectangular marble plaque with inscribed text to...

Detached four-bay single-storey vernacular house, built c. 1800, with breakfront porch, later two-bay extension. Pitched artificial slate roof with clayware ridge tiles, rendered gable coping, roughca...

Reg No: 40900420

Detached five-bay two-storey house, built c. 1890, with central breakfront. Pitched slate roof with terracotta ridge tiles, yellow brick chimneystacks to gables with brick cogging and coping; timber b...

Reg No: 40900421

Attached two-bay two-storey farm house, built c. 1880, with two-bay single-storey annex and two-bay single-storey outbuilding attached to the west and single-storey modern shed to the east gable, in u...

Attached four-bay single and two-storey vernacular house, built c. 1820, with windbreak porch to front and modern extension to rear. Pitched slate roof with rendered gable coping, pitched thatched roo...

Detached four-bay single-storey vernacular thatched house with windbreak porch, built c. 1820. Pitched thatch roof with smooth rendered gable ended chimneystacks with coping. Roughcast rendered walls ...

Reg No: 40900432

Detached four-bay single-storey vernacular thatched house, built c. 1820, with windbreak porch to front and flat-roofed single-storey extension to west, now disused. Pitched thatch roof, smooth render...

Reg No: 40900439

Detached five-bay single-storey house, built c. 1820, with advanced entrance porch to front. Pitched slate roof with clayware ridge tiles, smooth rendered gable coping, stone finial to north gable, lo...

Reg No: 40900440

Detached four-bay single-storey vernacular house, built c. 1880 with windbreak porch and attached outbuilding. Pitched thatched roof with smooth rendered gable ended chimneystacks with coping. Roughca...