Reg No: 12325020
Detached seven-bay double-height building with attic, c.1900, on an L-shaped plan with two-bay two-storey projecting block with attic to left having chimney to corner comprising tapered shaft on a squ...
Reg No: 12329001
Detached seven-bay double-height creamery, c.1900, with single-bay double-height gabled central entrance bay originally having square-headed carriageway, and two-bay double-height side elevations. Re...
Reg No: 12314028
Callan Creamery complex, opened 1899, comprising: (i) Detached four-bay double-height quadruple gable-fronted range with attic. Pitched (gable-fronted) slate roofs with clay ridge tiles, rendered ...
Reg No: 12318050
Detached three-bay single-storey over raised base double-pile creamery with attic, post-1903, with single-bay single-storey gabled central bay. Extended, pre-1945, comprising two-bay single-storey fl...
Reg No: 12319006
Attached four-bay single-storey quadruple gable-fronted creamery with attic, pre-1903, with two-bay double-height parallel range along rear (west) elevation having single-bay double-height higher flan...
Reg No: 12307001
Creamery complex, c.1900, including: (i) Detached seven-bay double-height range with half-attic with two-bay double-height double gable-fronted projecting bay, and two-bay two-storey higher end bay...
Reg No: 12301021
Detached five-bay three-storey over basement house, built 1750, on a T-shaped plan centred on (single-storey) prostyle distyle portico to ground floor; single-bay (single-bay deep) three-storey centra...
Reg No: 12301069
Double gateway, c.1850, comprising pair of limestone ashlar piers to north and to south with moulded detail, fluted concave medallions, rounded capping, segmental-headed flanking pedestrian gateway wi...
Reg No: 12404226
Creamery complex, c.1900, including: (i) Attached four-bay two-storey double-pile range. Pitched (double-pile) roof with clay ridge tiles having vents to apex, chimney stacks, rendered coping, and i...
Reg No: 20909304
Detached five-bay two-storey former creamery, built 1957, now is use as a retail outlet. Pitched slate roof with rendered chimneystack, cast-iron rainwater goods, and copper ridge vents. Roughcast ren...
Reg No: 20909607
Detached two-bay double-height former creamery, built 1928, having lean-to glass house to front (south-west) and adjoining garage to rear (north-east). Now in use as outbuilding. Pitched corrugated-ir...
Reg No: 20906011
Detached multiple-bay double-height former creamery, built 1962. Canopies supported on concrete columns to front (west) and rear (east) elevations. Now in use as recording studio and apartment. Flat b...
Reg No: 21303001
Detached nine-bay single- and two-storey rubble stone-built former creamery, built 1895, comprising seven-bay single-storey range with two-bay two-storey block to north. Extended to east, c. 1920, co...
Reg No: 20913514
Detached creamery complex, built c.1910, comprising three-bay block to west, now in use as garage and five-bay single-storey block to east, now in use shop. Single-pitch corrugated-iron roof to west b...
Reg No: 21904008
Detached five-bay single-storey former creamery, dated 1891, with single-bay single-storey addition to south-west elevation. Now disused. Pitched corrugated-iron roof with cast-iron rainwater goods...
Reg No: 21904406
Detached two-bay single-storey with dormer attic corrugated-iron former creamery, built c. 1900, having single-bay lean-to to front (north-east) and single-bay double-height block to side (south-east)...
Reg No: 21903232
Detached gable-fronted double-pile two-bay two-storey former creamery, built c. 1920, with attic storey. Pitched corrugated-iron roofs with timber bargeboards to dormer attic. Corrugated-iron walls....
Reg No: 21901333
Freestanding former pasteurisation machine house, dated 1912. Hipped artificial slate roof with overhanging eaves, replacement terracotta ridge crestings and wind vane, flat-roofed projection to fron...
Reg No: 21832004
Detached six-bay single-storey double-pile former creamery, built c. 1920, having three-bay single-storey extension to east. Pitched slate roof. Lined-and-ruled rendered walls with render plinth cou...
Detached L-plan single-storey former creamery, built c. 1900, comprising two-bay single-storey block to south with pitched roof and five-bay double-height half-hipped block to north having lean-to por...