Reg No: 30411215

Detached four-bay single-storey vernacular house, built c.1800. Pitched thatched roof with low rendered chimneystacks and render eaves course. Smooth rendered walls. Square-headed openings to front...

Reg No: 30411216

Detached four-bay single-storey vernacular house, built c.1800, having flat-roofed porch to front (north) elevation. Pitched thatched roof with low rendered chimneystack and render copings. Rendered...

Detached four-bay single-storey vernacular house, built c.1800, having pitched thatched roof with decoratively scolloped raised ridge, rendered chimneystack and render coping. Smooth render to walls....

Reg No: 30411218

Detached four-bay single-storey vernacular house, built c.1820, having pitched thatched roof with decoratively scolloped raised ridge, rendered chimneystack and render copings. Smooth rendered walls....

U-plan harbour, built c.1850, comprising pier to south and quay to north. Pier has cut limestone walls, battered to inner side, with tooled copings, and having tarmacadam and concrete paving to road ...

Detached four-bay single-storey vernacular house with attic, built c.1800. Pitched thatched roof having slightly raised ridge, and rendered chimneystacks. Exposed rubble limestone walls, rendered to...

Detached four-bay single-storey vernacular house, built c.1950. Pitched thatched roof with rendered copings and rendered chimneystack. Wetdash render to front (east) elevation having render quoins, ...

Detached four-bay single-storey vernacular house with attic, built c.1800. Pitched thatched roof with raised scolloped ridge, rendered copings and rendered chimneystack. Wetdashed rendered walls hav...

Reg No: 30411305

Detached three-bay single-storey vernacular house with attic, built c.1800. Half-hipped thatched roof with timber eaves course, roughcast rendered chimneystack, and rendered copings. Roughcast rende...

Reg No: 30411306

Detached five-bay single-storey vernacular house, built c.1800. Pitched thatched roof having low rendered chimneystack. Pebbledashed walls with smooth render plinth course, quoins and eaves course. ...

Detached four-bay single-storey vernacular house with attic, built c.1850. Pitched thatched roof having raised scolloped ridge and low rendered chimneystacks. Whitewashed rubble stone walls. Square...

Detached four-bay single-storey vernacular house, built c.1800, having flat-roofed porch to front (south-east) elevation. Pitched thatched roof with low exposed stone chimneystack, and rendered copin...

Single-arch limestone railway bridge, built 1869, carrying road over Ennis Junction to Athenry railway line. Elliptical arch. Rock-faced rusticated walls, voussoirs, piers and abutments, having rece...

Detached three-bay single-storey direct entry thatched farmhouse, c.1800, on a rectangular plan. Pitched water reed thatch roof on corrugated-iron base with grouped scollops to block ridge, rendered ...

Reg No: 30411311

Detached four-bay single-storey vernacular house, built c.1800, having flat-roofed porch to front (east) elevation. Pitched thatched roof withslightly raised ridge, very low rendered chimneystack, an...

Detached three-bay two-storey house, built c.1820, having lower gabled two-bay two-storey return and later single-storey extensions to rear (north-west) elevation. Formerly also used as RIC barracks....

Reg No: 30411313

Detached four-bay single-storey vernacular house, built c.1800, having outbuildings attached to each end. Pitched thatched roof with decorative raised ridge, very low rendered chimneystack, render co...

Reg No: 30411314

Freestanding cast-iron water pump, erected c.1870, with banded cylindrical shaft, fluted head and fluted domed cap with pointed finial, banded spout with bucket grip and cow's tail pumping handle. St...

Reg No: 30411316

Detached four-bay single-storey vernacular house, built c.1800, having two-bay addition to north-east end, now accommodating main door to house. Pitched thatched roof with raised ridge and low render...

Outbuildings, built c.1800, remaining to north-west of ruinous remains of country house, arranged to face courtyards. Seven-bay two-storey outbuilding to north of house, having pitched slate roof wit...