Entrance gates, erected c.1800, comprising double-leaf wrought-iron gate flanked by square-plan cut and carved inner piers with reeded detail to bowed front faces, and tooled limestone capstones havin...

Reg No: 30411621

Attached two-bay two-storey vernacular house, built c.1800. Pitched reslated roof, with rendered chimneystacks, and some cast-iron rainwater goods. Roughcast rendered walls. Square-headed window op...

Freestanding T-plan Roman Catholic Church, built c.1940 with semi-circular apse to west end, five-bay nave, single-bay transepts, four-stage tower to east end, canted flat-roof porches to re-entrant c...

Cast-iron water pump, erected c.1870, having moulded banded shaft and fluted neck, fluted domed cap with pointed finial, cow's tail pumping handle, and moulded spout. Stands within rubble limestone e...

Single-arch bridge, built c.1740, carrying road over canalised river. Elliptical arch with cut-stone voussoirs, flanked by niches to both elevations. Dressed stone walls with cut-stone string course...

Detached three-bay two-storey house, built c.1835, having recent three-bay single-storey extension to south. Hipped sprocketed slate roof with centrally located pair of rendered chimneystacks. Lined...

Detached five-bay two-storey house, built c.1800, having slightly two-storey return to west end of rear, lower again return to middle of rear, latter with lean-to extension to its north side, and rece...

Single-arch limestone road bridge, built c.1860, carrying road over Kilcrow River. Dressed snecked limestone walls with cut-stone string course. Segmental arch with cut-stone voussoirs and dressed s...

Single-arch limestone road bridge, built c.1860, carrying road over Kilcrow River. Roughly dressed snecked limestone walls. Segmental arch with rusticated voussoirs and dressed stone soffit and pier...

Detached double-pile three-bay three-storey house, built c.1780, having wide canted one-bay two-storey bow addition to east end of front, and buttress-like remains of bow to west, or perhaps only what...

Freestanding gable-fronted T-plan Roman Catholic church, built c.1879, having two-bay nave elevation, single-bay transepts, lean-to porches to each side of nave, confessional projection to east transe...

Reg No: 30410707

Freestanding gabled limestone Marian shrine, erected c.1930. Rendered roof with decorative cast-iron cross finial and carved eaves course. Snecked walls to base with carved cornice, coursed walls to...

Entrance gates to Rathmore House, erected c.1780, comprising double-leaf decorative cast-iron vehicular gate flanked by cut and tooled limestone square-plan piers with plinths, imposts, cornice and sp...

Detached two-storey house, built c.1900, having three-bay ground floor and two-bay first floor, gabled porch to front (south) elevation, and recent extension to rear. Pitched slate roof with rendered...

Detached four-storey mill, dated 1855, having six-bay ground floor, four-bay first floor and three-bay upper floors, windows of latter being widely spaced. Incorporates fabric of earlier mill structu...

Detached three-bay two-storey house over basement, built c.1800, having tetrastyle Doric portico to front (south-west) elevation, and two-bay side elevations. Hipped slate U-plan roof, M-profile to r...

Entrance gateway to Hearnesbrooke, erected c.1800, comprising double-leaf decorative cast-iron vehicular gate, flanked by square-headed pedestrian entrances, latter formed by cut and tooled limestone ...

Three-arch bridge, built c.1760, carrying minor road over Kilcrow River. Central arch blocked, and V-profile poured concrete buttress added to centre of east elevation c.1940. Rubble stone walls, ru...

Detached five-bay two-storey house, built c.1900, with shopfront to front (north) elevation, and having returns to each end of rear. Hipped slate roof with central paired rendered chimneystacks. Pai...

Freestanding gable-fronted Church of Ireland church, built 1863, having two-bay nave, lower chancel to east, and vestry to north side of chancel. Area to front now in use as car sales display area. ...