Reg No: 30410615

Cast-iron post box, erected c.1915, with G.R. insignia and raised crown motif, with 'Post Office' to flap. Maker's mark W. T. Allen and Co. London. Set in boundary wall....

Detached three-bay two-storey country house over raised basement, built c.1760, with half-hexagon entrance bay to front elevation, and slightly recessed multiple-bay lower block to rear (north). Hipp...

Detached three-bay single-storey vernacular house, built c.1800, with slightly lower, recessed single-bay addition to west gable. Pitched thatched roofs with low whitewashed chimneystacks. Whitewash...

Detached L-plan three-bay two-storey house, built c.1800, having two-bay side elevation to north and four-bay return to south end of west elevation. Sprocketed hipped slate roofs with cut and carved ...

Three-arch bridge, built c.1780, carrying road over river. Round arches and V-cutwaters to west elevation. Rubble stone walls, dressed stone voussoirs and soffits, and rubble coping stones. Partly ...

Gable-fronted Roman Catholic monastery chapel, built c.1820, attached to south end of monastery. Substantially refurbished, refenestrated and extended c.1900. Five-bay nave with altar to east end, s...

Entrance gates and boundary railings to Saint Joseph's Monastery, erected c.1830. Complex of monastery and older church and graveyard approached through gateway at south-west having decorative double...

Six-arch limestone road bridge over Craughwell River, built c.1600 and widened to west perhaps late seventeenth century and to east c.1780. Original bridge was ten feet wide, early widening added two ...

Detached Carmelite convent, built c.1830 and consecrated 1833, comprising seven-bay block with pedimented breakfront, flanked by one-bay pedimented projecting ends, eastern being gable end of chapel, ...

Mausolea and graveyard, established c.1800, with mausolea dated 1806, 1834, 1858 and 1918. Square-plan carved limestone chest tomb type mausoleum attached inside north wall of abbey nave, comprising ...

Detached railway goods shed, built 1890, with lower single-storey single-bay projection to south gable and two-bay projection to north gable. Pitched slate roofs with clay ridge tiles and red brick c...

Millrace, constructed c.1800, running westward from north-east of Loughrea Town and turning southward to flow into Lough Rea, and following line of medieval town fosse of c.1250. Cast-iron sluice gat...

End-of-terrace two-bay three-storey house, built c.1820, with four-bay single-storey addition to rear. Now in use as public house. Pitched slate roof, catslide to rear, with rendered chimneystacks, ...

Terraced two-bay three-storey house, built c.1820. Formerly also in use as shop. Pitched slate roof with clay ridge tiles, rendered chimneystacks, and smooth rendered eaves course. Smooth rendered ...

Detached five-bay two-storey monastery, built 1829, having slightly advanced end bays to front (south) elevation, and three-bay side (west) elevation. Later building attached at east end. Hipped sla...

Monastery building, built c.1880, facing west, comprising seven-bay three-storey block with higher four-bay three-storey addition to north end of rear (east), and with three-bay two-storey block to so...

Detached three-bay two-storey railway offices and sheds, built 1890, comprising three-bay two-storey main building with single-bay single-storey addition to north gable and with six-bay single-storey ...

Detached three-bay two-storey court house, built 1821, entrance bay being recessed and fronted by very slightly advanced portico, and having lower recessed three-bay two-storey block to rear (north), ...

Terraced two-bay two-storey house with dormer attic, built c.1880, having gabled half-dormer windows, and integral carriage opening. Now in use as opticians. Pitched tiled roof with rendered chimney...

End-of-terrace three-storey building, built c.1930, with two-bay front to Main Street and four-bay side elevation. Now in use as bookmaker's office and shop. Hipped slate roof with rendered chimneys...