Detached three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1840. Rectangular-plan, glass porch c. 1910, to centre of south elevation, extension to east. Pitched slate roof, clay ridge tiles, smooth rendered flat...

Detached three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1920. L-plan, two full-height canted bays to south elevation, stone canopy to centre of south elevation creating porch, return to west of north elevation...

Attached three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1870. Rectangular-plan, lean-to-extension to east elevation. Pitched slate roof, clay ridge tiles, stone verge coping to north gable, red brick corbelle...

Detached Roman Catholic church, dated 1957. Rectangular-plan, tetrastyle portico to east elevation, three-stage tower attached to south-east corner, single-storey porches to north and south of east ...

Detached six-bay single-storey thatched house, built c. 1780. Rectangular-plan, porch to south elevation, lean-to outbuilding attached to west elevation. Pitched thatched roof, red brick corbelled c...

Detached four-bay two-storey rendered former store building, built c. 1870, now in commercial use. Rectangular-plan, recent single-storey hipped roof conservatories to south. Pitched slate roof, cla...

Attached octagonal brick chimneystack built c. 1820, no longer in use. Red brick walling roughly laid in Flemish bond, three wrought-iron braces to top. Attached to two-storey roughcast-rendered sla...

Detached multiple-bay four-storey former mill, built c. 1820, later used as factory and now used as offices and gymnasium. Rectangular-plan, two-storey pitched roof extension to west c. 1860. Pitche...

Attached seven-bay three-storey store house, built c. 1820, no longer in use. Irregular plan, single-storey flat-roofed extension to east. Hipped slate roof, clay ridge tiles, some cast-iron gutters...

Attached five-bay single-storey store house, built c. 1820, no longer in use. Rectangular-plan, two-bay extension c. 1850 to east, abutting larger structure to south, paired gabled bays to west of no...

Detached five-bay three-storey stone former grain store, built c. 1820, no longer in use. Rectangular-plan. Pitched slate roof, clay ridge tiles, brick chimneystack to west, sections of cast-iron do...

Attached three-bay three-storey house, built c. 1850, now also in use as shop. Attached to three-bay two-storey bakery with integral carriage arch to east. Pitched slate roof to west, hipped to east...

Attached four-bay three-storey former house, built c. 1840, now in commercial use. Shopfronts inserted to ground floor. Pitched slate roof, clay ridge tiles, stone verge coping to north and south gab...

Corner-sited attached three-bay three-storey former house, built c. 1790, with shopfront inserted to ground floor and now used as guest house. Single-storey pitched roof return to south. Pitched sla...

Detached five-bay three-storey double-pile over basement townhouse, built 1734, on a rectangular plan; five-bay three-storey rear (north) elevation. Adapted to alternative use, 1861. Occupied, 1901;...

Corner-sited attached double-pile five-bay three-storey former town house, built c. 1760, refronted c.1880 and pair of shopfronts inserted to ground floor, now in commercial use. Pitched slate roofs ...

Attached three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1780, as a pair with the adjoining house to east. Shopfont to ground floor north elevation. Pitched slate roof, clay ridge tiles, red brick corbelled ch...

Attached three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1780, as a pair with the adjoining house to west. Shopfont to ground floor north elevation. Roof not visible hidden by parapet, red brick corbelled chim...

Corner-sited attached five-bay three-storey house, built c. 1675, renovated c. 1830, now in commercial and residential use. Rectangular-plan, flat-roofed extension c. 1940 to south, shopfronts to gro...

Attached four-bay three-storey house, built c. 1860, now in use as public house and restaurant. Recent shopfront to ground floor south elevation. Pitched slate roof hidden by parapet, gutter hidden ...