Reg No: 13619008
Corner-sited detached four-bay two-storey former house, built c. 1880, now in use as public house. Chamfered north-west corner, shopfront to ground floor, two-storey pitched roof return to south. Hi...
Reg No: 13619009
Semi-detached two-bay two-storey house, built c. 1900, built as a pair with the adjoining house to the east. Return to south, flat-roofed garage extension to west. Pitched slate roof, clay ridge til...
Reg No: 13619010
Semi-detached two-bay two-storey house, built c. 1900, built as a pair with the adjoining house to the west. Return to south. Pitched slate roof, clay ridge tiles, red brick corbelled chimneystack, ...
Burial ground, c. 1800, no longer used. Random rubble boundary wall surrounds site; carved stone plaque to north of entrance gate with inscription. Square-profile ashlar limestone gate piers, corbel...
Freestanding gable-fronted single-storey mortuary chapel, built c. 1880. Pitched red and blue slate roof, clay ridge cresting, ashlar limestone bellcote to east gable; ashlar limestone verge coping t...
Reg No: 13619013
Semi-detached four-bay two-storey house with integral garage, built c. 1930, as a pair with the adjoining house to the west. Return to north. Pitched slate roof, clay ridge tiles, red brick corbelle...
Reg No: 13619014
Entrance gates, built c. 1850, originally accessing Sienna Convent, now leading to cul-de-sac. Channelled ashlar limestone square-profiled gate piers, bearing name "Sienna Convent" to frieze, surmoun...
Reg No: 13619015
Attached two-bay two-storey house, built c. 1900, as a pair with the adjoining house to the west. Return to north. Pitched slate roof, crested clay ridge tiles, red brick corbelled chimneystack, mou...
Reg No: 13619016
Attached two-bay two-storey house, built c. 1900, as a pair with the adjoining house to the east. Return to north. Pitched slate roof, crested clay ridge tiles, red brick corbelled chimneystack, cas...
Corner-sited attached two-bay three-storey former post office, built c. 1910, now in use as retail outlet. Built as a group with the adjoining building to north. Chamfered entrance bay to south-west...
Reg No: 13619018
Freestanding cast-iron pillar box, c. 1930. Cylindrical shaft, moulded necking, dentil frieze, shallow domed cap; "P&T" inscription to door, manufacturer's name to rear "Carron Company made in Englan...
Corner-sited attached two-bay four-storey over basement former house, built c. 1800, as a pair with the adjoining house to the west. Now in use as office. Hipped slate roof, smooth rendered chimneys...
Reg No: 13619020
Attached two-bay four-storey over basement former house, built c. 1800, as a pair with the adjoining house to the east. Lean-to three-storey return to north. Now in use as office. Hipped slate roof...
Reg No: 13619021
Attached five-bay two-storey over basement and with attic former office, built 1865, having gabled central breakfront. Now in use as amusement arcade. Pitched slate roof, clay ridge tiles, red brick...
Reg No: 13619022
Attached two-bay four-storey over basement house, built c. 1800, as a pair with the adjoining house to the west. Return to north. Now also in use as offices. Pitched slate roof behind parapet, smoo...
Reg No: 13619023
Attached two-bay four-storey over basement former house, built c. 1800, as a pair with the adjoining house to the east. Extension to north. Now in use as offices. Pitched slate roof behind parapet ...
Corner-sited attached three-bay three-storey former house, built c. 1810, now in use as office. Rectangular-plan. Hipped slate roof, clay ridge tiles, smooth rendered corbelled chimneystack, cast-ir...
Attached five-bay two-storey bank, designed 1873; built 1873-5, on a square plan with shopfront to ground floor. Occupied, 1901; 1911. Pitched (south) and hipped (north) slate roofs behind parapet w...
Reg No: 13619026
Detached three-bay two-storey ashlar limestone former Methodist church with central breakfront, dated 1811, restored 1911 and 2005. Hipped slate roof behind parapet, cast-iron gutters, circular cast-...
Reg No: 13619027
Attached two-bay three-storey former house, built c. 1840, now in use as office. Roof hidden behind parapet, gutter hidden by parapet, circular cast-iron downpipe. Smooth rendered ruled-and-lined wa...