Reg No: 13900203
Detached three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1920. Slightly projecting flat-roofed single-storey entrance porch flanked by full-height canted bay windows, single-storey pitched roof wing to east. P...
Reg No: 13900301
Detached lime kiln, built c. 1860, now a ruin. Rectangular-plan, extended to north with additional kiln c. 1870, ramp to east. Roughly squared coursed rubble limestone walling to south block, squared...
Reg No: 13900302
Double-span road-over-river stone bridge built c. 1830. Random rubble stone piers, spandrels and parapets, roughly squared rubble V-shaped cutwaters, tooled ashlar caps, rendered limestone half-round...
Reg No: 13900303
Detached four- or five-bay two-storey miller's house, extant 1855, on an L-shaped plan; single-bay (west) or three-bay (east) two-storey side elevations. Vacant, 2005. Hipped slate roof with ridge t...
Reg No: 13900305
Detached three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1800. Rectangular-plan with return to west, single-storey flat-roofed addition to south-west angle c. 1950. Pitched and hipped slate roofs, clay hip til...
Reg No: 13900306
Detached three-bay single-storey house, built c. 1800. Rectangular-plan, single-storey link to two-bay two-storey house c. 1950 to west with attached outbuildings and east and west farmyard. Pitched...
Reg No: 13900401
Detached five-bay two-storey over basement house, built c. 1810. U-plan, full-height bow to south-west elevation, two-storey late eighteenth century former house, now wing, to north-west. Hipped and...
Reg No: 13900402
Detached three-bay two-storey former parochial house, built c. 1880, now in private domestic use. Rectangular-plan, canted bay to west, pitched and hipped roofed returns to east and north-east, recen...
Reg No: 13900403
Detached three-bay single-storey over basement with attic former miller's house, built c. 1760, now in use as private house. T-plan, half-dormer to east elevation. Pitched slate roof, clay ridge til...
Reg No: 13900404
Detached three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1840. Rectangular-plan, lean-to return and extension to north c. 1960, porch to south. Pitched slate roof, overhanging eaves supported on paired painted...
Reg No: 13900405
Detached three-bay two-storey over basement house, built c. 1840. Square-plan. Hipped slate roofs, lead ridges and hips, smooth rendered ruled-and-lined corbelled chimneystacks, moulded cast-iron gu...
Reg No: 13900406
Freestanding Roman Catholic church, dated 1896. Cruciform-plan, shallow transepts to east and west, apse to south, three-stage tower between east transept and nave, sacristy to south-east. Pitched s...
Reg No: 13900407
Detached three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1870, now ruinous. Roof missing. Smooth rendered ruled-and-lined, stone plinth and quoins. Square-headed window openings, tooled stone sills, windows m...
Reg No: 13900408
Detached three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1850, incorporating. Square-plan, pedimented breakfront and open porch to east elevation, two two-storey returns to west, bow window to south. Hipped sl...
Reg No: 13900409
Single-arched stone road-over-rail bridge, built c. 1880. Rock-faced squared-and-snecked limestone walling, tooled limestone string course surmounted by intersecting cast-iron railings to parapet fla...
Reg No: 13900410
Single-arch stone road-over-railway bridge, built c. 1880. Squared-and-snecked limestone walling to spandrels and parapet, ashlar string course and ashlar coping to parapet. Segmental-headed arch, r...
Reg No: 13900411
Detached seven-bay two-storey house, built c. 1760, formerly five-bay, extended by two-bays to west. Formerly T-plan, returns and extension to north and east elevations, gable-fronted porch to south ...
Reg No: 13900412
Detached three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1870. Square-plan, porch to west, single-storey extension to north. Hipped slate roof, clay ridge tiles, brick chimneystacks, flat capping, moulded alum...
Reg No: 13900413
Detached former lime kiln, built c. 1830, no longer in use. Irregular plan. Random rubble uncoursed stone walling. Triple arches, red brick surrounds, to west elevation for lime production; square-...
Reg No: 13900414
Detached thirteen-bay single- and two-storey former country house, built c. 1800, now in use as convent. Irregular plan, enlarged and remodelled c. 1850, two-storey central bay, pedimented entrance, ...