End-of-terrace three-bay two-storey house with attic level, built c. 1830. Now out of use. One of a terrace of four along with buildings adjoining to the west (not in survey). Pitched natural slate...

Detached five-bay two-storey former national school, built c. 1850, having recessed single-bay two-storey bays to either end of the main elevation (north-west). Now in use as a guest house/holiday ac...

Freestanding double-height Catholic church, built c. 1810 and altered c. 1880, in 1920 and c. 1980, comprising six-bay hall having cut stone bellcote over the north-east gable end, shallow single-bay ...

Attached single-storey with attic level outbuilding, built c. 1880, comprising two adjoining parallel gable-fronted single-storey outbuildings. Now in use as agricultural outbuilding. Pitched natura...

Freestanding limestone memorial monument, erected in 1953, comprising tapering carved limestone pedestal (on square-plan) having carved soldier figure over with rifle. Inscriptions to each face of pe...

Semi-detached two-bay double-height former railway goods shed associated with the former Pettigoe Railway Station, built c. 1866. Now in use as an outbuilding. Pitched natural slate roof having corr...

Detached three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1830, having later lean-to extension attached to the east gable end. Half hipped natural slate roof with clay ridge tiles and cut stone coping. Central ...

Cast-iron wall-mounted post box, c. 1930, with 'Carron Company, Stirlingshire' foundry mark to base and 'Post Office' in raised lettering above letter flap. Still in use. Set into rendered gate pier...

Attached three-bay two-storey vernacular house, built c. 1820, with single-storey extension(s) to rear (north-west). Possibly formerly in use as a shop. Pitched reed thatch roof with chicken wire an...

Attached three-bay three-storey bank, built c. 1875 or in 1939, having two-storey return and single-storey over basement extension to rear (north-west). Window opening to centre at ground floor level...

Detached five-bay single-storey former Methodist chapel, dated 1888, having gable-fronted porch attached to the south end of the east of nave. Now in use as a restaurant with modern glazed lean-to en...

Attached three-bay two-storey house and retail outlet, built c. 1880 and altered c. 1935, having shopfront to ground floor. Now in use as betting office and house with extension to rear. Pitched art...

Single-arch road bridge, built c. 1860, carrying road over the Bradoge River. Widened to south-east elevation c. 1980. Possibly incorporating the fabric of an earlier bridge to site (Ordnance Survey...

Detached seven-bay two-storey former convent with attic storey, built 1891-2, having advanced central gable-fronted bay to main elevation (east) having bellcote/statue niche over with trefoil-headed o...

Detached Catholic church, built 1858-9, on cruciform-plan having four-bay nave to the west, single-bay transepts to the north and south, and projecting chancel to the east. Offset three-stage ashlar ...

Detached three-bay single-storey former Church of Ireland Sunday school, dated 1888, having projecting single bay gable-fronted entrance porch attached to the north end of the west elevation. Pitched...

Detached Church of Ireland church, dated 1839, having five-bay nave elevations, four-bay side aisles to the north and south, gable-fronted entrance porch attached to the centre of the north aisle, and...

End-of-terrace corner-sited three-bay three-storey house, built c. 1890, having single-bay two-storey canted bays to either end of the main elevation (north), balustraded balcony between canted bays a...

Terraced two-bay three-storey house, built c. 1890, having single-bay two-storey canted bay to the west end of the main elevation (north), balustraded balcony at first floor level running over main do...

Terraced two-bay three-storey house, built c. 1890, having single-bay two-storey canted bay to the west end of the main elevation (north), balustraded balcony at first floor level running over main do...