Detached five-bay three-storey over basement former warehouse, built c. 1800, on L-shaped plan having wing attached to the south elevation having full-height loading bay to the south gable end. Possi...

Detached multiple-bay four-story over two-storey basement level to north former mill and distillery, built c. 1825 and extended c. 1840, having two-storey building attached to the east of building, po...

Detached Catholic hall-type church, built c. 1835, tower added c. 1886, and extended/altered c. 1909, comprising a five-bay hall, shallow chancel to the west, and three-stage tower on square-plan to t...

Wall-mounted cast-iron post box, erected between 1924 - 46, with raised 'P&T' monogram in Gaelic script to head and with 'Jessop Davis Enniscorthy' foundry mark to base. Set into rendered boundary w...

Detached five-bay two-storey former workhouse administration block with attic storey, dated 1842, built on H-shaped plan having slightly advanced gabled bays to either end of the main elevation (north...

Detached multiple-bay two-storey former union workhouse, dated 1842, on H-shaped plan having two advanced three-storey gable-fronted blocks to either end of the main (north) and rear (south) elevation...

Sections of boundary wall on irregular-plan surrounding site of former Rock Barracks, erected c. 1798. Barracks now demolished, formerly on D-shaped plan extending to the south of the present sites. ...

Cut stone post on square-plan having pyramidal-head, erected c. 1835, having Ordnance Survey benchmark and incised letter. Carved from granite (?) with incised lettering ‘O B S’ and ‘No. 1’ w...

Wall-mounted cast-iron post box, erected c. 1935, having ‘Post Office’ in raised lettering over letter flap and ‘Carron Company Stirlingshire’ foundry mark to the base. Set into modern pier a...

Triple-arch road bridge, built c. 1780, carrying road over the Ballintra River. Possibly containing earlier fabric. Segmental-headed arches having dressed stone voussoirs and squared rubble stone co...

Single-arch road bridge, built c. 1800, carrying small country road over the Ballintra River. Segmental-headed arch having roughly dressed stone voussoirs and squared rubble stone construction to the...

Single-arch road bridge, built c. 1820, carrying road over the Ballintra River. Segmental-headed arch having roughly dressed stone voussoirs and squared rubble stone construction to the arch barrel. ...

Complex of former corn and saw mill buildings, built c. 1820 and extended in 1851, comprising main eight-bay two- and storey building to building to the north and three-bay three-storey building to th...

Detached four-bay split level two-storey/single-storey over basement former mill office or offices associated with former corn, flax and saw mill complex adjacent to the north and east (see 40850001)....

Single-arched bridge carrying road over the Termon River, built c. 1860. Segmental arch having ashlar voussoirs to arch ring and ashlar construction to arch barrel. Ashlar construction to spandrels ...

Attached three-bay two-storey rendered house, built c. 1800, having integral single-bay outbuilding attached to the north end of the main elevation (west). Formerly also in use as a grocery shop (clo...

Walled garden on rectangular-plan, erected c. 1800 and renovated c. 1930 and 2008. West elevation now collapsed; now out of use. South side incorporates wall of outbuilding associated with house to ...

Double-arched bridge carrying road over the Termon River, built c. 1780, having cut stone/ashlar triangular-profile cutwater to central pier on the upstream elevation (north) with domed cap over. Now...

Five-arched bridge carrying road over the Termon River, built c. 1770, having cut stone/ashlar triangular-profile cutwater to piers to both elevations (north and south) with domed caps over. Construc...

Single-arch railway bridge carrying former railway line over the Termon River, built c. 1865. Now disused. Snecked and squared rock-faced stone construction to spandrels and to parapets with rock-fa...