Detached six-bay four-storey r warehouse or store on T-shaped plan having four-storey return to the centre of the rear elevation (north), built c. 1820. Multiple modern single- and additions/covered ...

Detached three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1910, having full-height canted projections to the outer bays of the main elevation (west) and with two-storey return to rear (east). Hipped natural slate...

Freestanding Presbyterian church, dated 1834 and modified and enlarged c. 1885, comprising a three-bay hall to the west with projecting gable-fronted extensions to the south and north elevations of th...

Pier and quay on roughly rectangular-plan, built c. 1775 and altered c. 1835 and 1880. Possibly containing pre-1700 fabric. Modified with concrete rendered slipways (modern?) to the north and to the...

Freestanding seven-bay double-height Catholic church, dated 1842 and modified 1860 and 1891, having two-storey over basement sacristy to the centre of the south elevation (1842), single-bay canted cha...

Detached three-bay two-storey presbytery or parochial house, built c. 1900, having gable-fronted bay to the west end of the front elevation (south) with two-storey canted bay window, shallow projectin...

End-of-terrace two-bay two-storey house with attic level, built c. 1885. One of a group of three houses along with its neighbours to the east (see 40852049 and 40852050). Possibly with basement leve...

Mid-terrace two-bay two-storey house with attic level, built c. 1885, possibly with basement level to rear (south). One of a group of three houses along with its neighbours to the west (see 40852048)...

End-of-terrace attached three-bay two-storey house with attic level, built c. 1885. One of a group of three houses along with its neighbours to the west (see 40852048 and 40852049). Extension to the...

Terrace of three two-bay three-storey houses with half-dormer attic levels, built c. 1885, having various modern extensions to the rear (north). Pitched natural slate roofs having four rendered brick...

Detached three-bay two-storey house or former national school, built c. 1870, having single-bay lean-to extension attached to the west gable end. Later associated with the former convent (40852056) l...

Detached nine-bay two-storey former convent with half-dormer and dormer attic storeys, built 1879 - 83, having advanced two-bay three-storey gable-fronted projections to either end of the main elevati...

Detached eleven-bay two-storey over basement hospital with attic storey, dated 1894, having central single-bay three-storey gable-fronted breakfront to the main elevation (north), projecting three-bay...

Detached three-bay two storey former Church of Ireland rectory on L-shaped plan, built c. 1901, having two-storey return to the rear (north) at the east side, advanced full-height gable-fronted bays t...

Attached five-bay three-storey house, built c. 1790, having integral carriage arch to the north end of the main elevation (west). Shopfront added to the south side of the main elevation c. 1890. Now...

Attached two-bay single-storey former bank cash office, built c. 1886 having advanced pedimented breakfront to the centre of the front elevation (west) having Composite doorcase, and with round-headed...

Detached two-bay four-storey over basement level former bank building on irregular-plan having bank manager’s accommodation over, built 1878, having gable-fronted projections with crow-stepped gable...

Detached six-bay two-storey (formerly five-bay) over concealed basement former infantry barracks on T-shaped plan, dated 1700 and altered c. 1753-6 and c. 1765, having two adjoining four-bay two-store...

Single-span road bridge carrying road over River Erne/tailrace of Cathleen's Falls Hydroelectric Power Station (40852084), built 1946-7. Possibly incorporating some fabric of earlier bridge to the s...

Detached three-bay two-storey house with attic storey, built c. 1885, having open porch to the centre of the entrance (south) elevation (added c. 1960), decorative timber veranda/balcony and box oriel...