Semi-detached multiple-bay single- and two-storey former railway station, built c. 1866, comprising two-bay two-storey former station master’s house to the west having advanced gable-fronted bay to ...

Complex of former market buildings on U-shaped plan arranged around central courtyard/market yard, built c. 1840, comprising main multiple-bay two-storey building to the west/south-west with single-st...

Detached three-bay single-storey former customs office/station, erected c. 1930, having two-bay single-storey attachment to the south and single-bay porch to the north. Later in use as a tourist info...

End-of-terrace attached three-bay two storey house, built c. 1860. Possibly originally built as a return or as an extension to building adjacent to north (see 40850016). Pitched natural slate roof h...

Corner-sited attached four-bay two-storey house with attic storey, built c. 1810, having shopfront at ground floor level added c. 1950. Now out of use. Pitched natural slate roof having castle-iron ...

Attached end-of-terrace two-bay three-storey house with attic level, built c. 1810, having single bay two-storey extension/annex attached to the east gable end. Renovated c. 2007. One of a group of ...

Attached mid-terrace two-bay three-storey house with attic level, built c. 1810, having two-storey return and outbuildings to the rear (north). Renovated c. 2007. One of a group of three with buildi...

End-of-terrace two/three-bay three-storey house with attic level, built c. 1830, having two-storey return and outbuildings to the rear (north). Renovated c. 2007. Originally two separate single-bay ...

Wall-mounted memorial monument, erected c. 1920, comprising carved limestone surround supporting carved limestone pediment over with carved military motif (crossed rifles and flags) with Crown motif o...

Freestanding double-height Church of Ireland church, built c. 1838, comprising five-bay nave, shallow single-chancel to the south, and projecting single-bay double-height gable-fronted entrance porch ...

Freestanding grave/mausoleum on rectangular-plan , erected c. 1870, containing the remains of the Barton family. Squared hammered ashlar wall with dressed margins to the east elevation having cut sto...

Freestanding Catholic church, dated 1845 and altered c. 1912, comprising five-bay double-height hall having clasping diagonally-set stepped ashlar/cut stone buttresses to corners at either end (east a...

Detached three-bay two-storey former Church of Ireland rectory on irregular-plan, dated 1905, having advanced two-storey gable fronted projection to the west end of the main elevation (south), two-sto...

Freestanding Church of Ireland church, built c. 1795 and remodelled 1854 - 5, having three-bay hall with four-stage tower (on square-plan) attached to the centre of the west gable end with stepped par...

Detached three-bay single-storey over basement with half dormer attic level house and possible former Church of Ireland rectory, built c. 1800, having two-storey return to rear (west) and later enclos...

Freestanding Methodist church/meeting house, built c. 1896, comprising a five-bay hall having advanced gable-fronted breakfront to the centre of the entrance gable end (south-east) with snecked rock-f...

Corner-sited four-bay two-storey house half-dormer attic, built c. 1820 and modified c. 1910, having shopfront to the north-east end of the main elevation (north-west) and with four gable-front half-d...

Freestanding Church of Ireland church, built 1834 - 37 and altered 1911 and 1919, comprising a two-bay nave to the east with shallow chancel to the east end, single-bay block/transept with pitched roo...

Reg No: 40848004

Attached mid-terrace three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1810. One of a terrace of three. Pitched slate roof with clay ridge tiles, rendered chimneystacks to either end (north and south), and shall...

Hydroelectric power station complex, built 1946-55, comprising a reinforced concrete dam to the east with associated sluices and overflows/spillways to the north, and having multi-storey flat-roofed g...