End-of-terrace three-bay two-storey over basement house, built c.1790. Pitched slate roof with rendered chimneystacks. Roughcast rendered walls with dressed limestone eaves course. Square-headed wi...

Three-arch road bridge over Loughrea River, built c.1760, southern side of bridge joins to culvert with buildings over. Round arches with tooled limestone voussoirs. Coursed rubble limestone wall at...

Single-arch limestone railway bridge, built 1869, carrying Ennis to Athenry railway line over local road. Snecked rock-faced rusticated limestone piers and buttresses. Segmental arch with tooled roc...

Single-arch limestone railway bridge, built 1869, carrying Ennis to Athenry railway line over road. Coursed rock-faced rusticated limestone abutments and buttresses. Parabolic arch with tooled rock-...

Detached nine-bay three-storey H-plan faculty building, built c.1890, having three-bay projecting bays to east and west ends of front elevation, six-bay side elevations, and mid-twentieth-century addi...

Freestanding two-storey ashlar limestone-built Gothic Revival University quadrangle, built 1845, facing east. Comprises central three-bay entrance block advanced to front and rear elevations with octa...

Freestanding gable-fronted mortuary chapel, built c.1860, comprising single-bay nave with chancel, shallow transepts, porch to gable-front. Pitched slate roofs with fish-scale slate banding and terrac...

Free-standing gable-fronted mortuary chapel, built c.1860, comprising single-bay nave with chancel, shallow transepts, porch to gable-front. Pitched slate roofs with fish-scale slate banding and terra...

Attached five-bay three-storey house, built c.1860, having gabled projecting porch to front elevation and single-bay three-storey gable-fronted projection to rear elevation. Pitched slate roofs with r...

Corner-sited end of row three-storey house, built c.1780, having four-bay west elevation with bowed end bays and projecting flat-roofed three-bay cut limestone flat-roofed porch between bows, and thre...

Detached Art Deco former nurses' home, built 1933-38, in hospital complex. Comprises twelve-bay three-storey wings flanking with rounded ends, flanking seven-bay four-storey central block, middle entr...

Rectangular plan dock, built c.1845, of limestone block construction. Pecked limestone block coping stones to sides, and roughly coursed rubble stone slipway. Limestone mooring posts to east and west,...

Detached three-bay single-storey L-plan gate lodge with dormer floor, built c.1860. Half-hipped slate roofs having fish-scale banding and bowtell crested ridge tiles with finials at verges. Catslide r...

Freestanding lime kiln, built c.1820. Dressed limestone to lower courses with rubble stone above. All elevations slightly battered with buttresses to south and west sides. East side partly rebuilt. Ca...

Remains of former railway bridge and embankment, built c.1895, rails and bridge superstructure now removed. Comprises earthen embankments running approximately east-west on both banks of River Corrib...

Gateway, built c.1860, comprising four gate piers in form of cut limestone Roman Doric-style columns flanking vehicular and pedestrian entrances, with tooled limestone plinths and carved limestone cap...

Detached six-bay two-storey house, built c.1880, having recent single-bay single-storey flat-roofed projecting entrance bay to front elevation and single-storey pitched slate roof addition to south ga...

Detached seven-bay three-storey faculty building, built c.1890, having central projecting entrance bay to front elevation (south) and two-bay single-storey flat-roof addition to rear. Flat roof having...

Enclosing wall and gates of Bohermore Cemetery, erected c.1860. Coursed rock-faced limestone enclosing walls with coping. Tooled square-profile limestone gate piers having pyramidal capping stones wit...

Seven-span limestone block road bridge, built 1818, comprising seven segmental arches having tooled limestone voussoirs, rendered soffits, springing from limestone block and rubble piers with bow-ende...