End of row three-bay two-storey public house, built c.1870 and renovated c.1920. Pitched slate roof with rendered chimneystacks. Painted and rendered walls. Square-headed timber casement windows to fi...

Single-arch limestone road bridge, dated 1738, over River Nanny, and widened c.1800 to east side. Segmental arch to weast having roughly dressed voussoirs with rubble walls above. Shallower segmental ...

Mid-terrace four-bay three-storey house, built c.1800, having shopfront of c.1900 to middle of ground floor and carriage archway to south. Pitched slate roof with rendered chimneystacks. Rendered rule...

End of terrace four-bay three-storey building, built c.1900, comprising two two-bay buildings, one now in use as shop and other as public house, having shared pedimented carriage archway to centre fla...

End of terrace three-bay three-storey house, built c.1820, having shopfront to ground floor. Pitched slate roof. Rendered walls with raised render quoins. Square-headed windows to upper floors having ...

Detached three-bay two-storey house, built c.1920, having gable-fronted projecting bay to front elevation having two-storey box-bay to its front, flat-roofed entrance porch, box-bay window to west ele...

Detached five-bay two-storey U-plan house, built c.1880, having asymmetrical front (south) elevation having full-height projecting end bays, that to west fronted by canted bay with windows and project...

Detached three-bay two-storey former rectory, built c.1880, facing south-east and having canted projecting bay to end of façade, projecting shallow porch to middle bay, and four-bay south-west elevat...

Detached three-bay two-storey L-plan house, built c.1880, having gable-fronted projecting bay to west end of front elevation with canted-bay windows, and gabled entrance porch. Pitched slate roof wit...

Single-arch humpbacked railway bridge, built 1896, carrying road at skew over Athenry to Tuam railway line. Rusticated limestone parapet walls with tooled capstones, rusticated voussoirs to segmental...

Single-span railway bridge, built 1851, carrying road over Galway to Dublin railway line. Cut limestone abutments with rusticated quoins supporting metal superstructure having wrought-iron latticewor...

Detached two-storey limestone former railway hotel, built c.1870, having half-basement to east, side, elevation. Now in use as offices. Four-bay front, south, elevation has projecting gable-fronted w...

Detached seven-bay single-storey former railway station, built 1851, having two-bay side elevations. Entrance façade has flat-roofed blank end bays, and second bay from each end is slightly advanced ...

Freestanding single-span cast-iron foot bridge over railway track, erected 1851, with staircases to west elevation. Depressed-arch span supported on round-plan cast-iron columns, four to each platform...

Single-arch limestone railway bridge, built 1851, carrying road over Galway-Dublin railway line. Rock-faced rusticated walls and piers, voussoirs and string course, with buttresses flanking elliptica...

Detached eight-bay single-storey waiting room, built 1851, with full-width canopy to platform (north) elevation, supported on cast-iron columns. Shallow pitched roof, covering not visible, supported ...

Detached ten-bay single-storey goods shed, c.1850, with three-bay end elevations. Now derelict and roofless. Coursed rubble limestone walls having tooled capping to long sides. Segmental-headed wind...

Detached two-storey signal box, built c.1900, having three-bay long and single-bay short sides. Hipped slate roof with terracotta ridge tiles, rendered chimneystack, and cast-iron rainwater goods. S...

Detached single-storey cruciform-plan railway crossing keeper's house, built 1851, having canted-bay to rear and canted-bays to front re-entrant corners, that to south having entrance. Hipped slate r...

Detached three-bay two-storey L-plan station master’s house, built 1851, having projecting gabled bay to front (north) elevation, flat-roofed entrance porch to re-entrant corner, and single-storey e...