Freestanding five-bay three-storey bank, built c.1850. Pitched gable-ended slate slated with end stacks of ashlar limestone with limestone copings. Front façade of ashlar limestone to ground floor an...

Detached multiple-bay single-storey Georgian-Revival post office, built c.1910, having pedimented breakfront with tripartite window. Designed by Harold Leask of the Office of Public Works. Hipped slat...

Detached two-bay two-storey house, built c.1910, having full-height canted bay window. Designed by Office of Public Works as postmaster's residence. Pitched slated roof with single red-brick chimneyst...

Detached three-bay two-storey house, built c.1820, over basement, and having shallow entrance breakfront. Hipped slated roof with two chimneystacks grouped near centre of ridge, and gutter set against...

Freestanding H-plan convent, built c.1830, having eleven-bay two-storey main façade over basement, pedimented three-bay breakfront, and slightly later flanking blocks, southern being three-storey hav...

Burial ground to Convent of Mercy, laid out c.1850, having rubble limestone wall to two sides and iron fence round third side. Grotto at south end with Blessed Virgin Mary in niche. Graves marked with...

Freestanding cruciform-plan gable-fronted Roman Catholic Cathedral of the Assumption, built 1827-31, and designed in fourteenth-century Gothic style, with three-stage tower at north-west end. Five-bay...

Gateway to archbishop's house, erected c.1860, comprising screen of ornamental cast-iron piers. Double-leaf vehicular gates, and small gate for pedestrians, flanked by railings set on low walls. Gates...

Freestanding cast-iron railway footbridge, erected c.1870, over disused Galway to Tuam railway line. Comprises single flat span curving down to each side to meet landings and flights of steps. Parape...

Detached two-storey archbishop's house, built c.1870, in Italianate style, having five-bay front elevation to L-plan front block, with single-storey canted bay window to south end, four-bay block to r...

Detached four-bay two-storey house, built c.1870, having shallow entrance breakfront, canted bay windows to north end of front elevation and to south elevation, and with three-bay return elevation to ...

Detached corner-sited four-bay single-storey vernacular house, built c.1800. Pitched thathed roof, with low whitewashed rendered chimneystack and rendered copings to gables. Whitewashed walls with squ...

Detached nine-bay single-storey railway station, built c.1880, five-bay central section with projecting gable-fronted porch, flanked by slightly recessed two-bay sections. Now in commercial use. Pitch...

Detached platform shelter, erected c.1880, at Tuam Railway Station. Now disused. Pitched corrugated-iron roof on light steel trusses with braces, supported at rear side by brick wall having rendered b...

Detached three-bay double-height goods shed, built c.1880. Pitched slate roof with cut limestone copings, and single brick chimneystack, and with stone brackets to support cast-iron gutters. Coursed r...

Detached three-bay (two-bay deep) two-storey courthouse, extant 1837, on a rectangular plan centred on single-bay two-storey shallow breakfront. Closed, 2005. Now disused. Pitched (gable-fronted) s...

Detached three-bay two-storey T-plan house, built c.1910, having asymmetrical façade with gabled bay to east end, full-height canted bays to front of gabled bay and to west end bay, and flat-roofed p...

Entrance gateway to Tuam Cemetery, erected 1881, comprising vehicular gateway having square-plan Gothic Revival piers of ashlar limestone with chamfered corners having moulded stops, dressed plinths w...

Detached limestone-built stepped-plan three-bay single-storey T-plan gate lodge to Tuam Cemetery, dated 1881, having two-bay north side elevation, and with yard at east end with high rusticated limest...

Detached two-storey with basement H-plan Presentation Convent, dated 1848, having eight-bay centre with two-bay entrance breakfront, and single-bay wings, four-bay side elevations, and various later b...