Terraced four-bay three-storey limestone-fronted bank, built c.1885. Pitched slate roof with rusticated stone gables, and ashlar chimneystacks with cornices, and rectangular rainwater hoppers and cast...

Corner-sited terraced building, built c.1830 and remodelled c.1890, comprising two three-bay three-storey former houses on Shop Street, northern being slightly lower, and having three and four-bay thr...

Mid-row four-bay three-storey house, built c.1750, recessed slightly from street line. Pitched slate roof with gable-end chimneystacks. Roughcast rendering to front façade. Square-headed replacement...

End of row five-bay three-storey house, built c.1785. Pitched slate roof with tall, deep rendered chimneystacks, and block cornice with cast-iron rainwater goods. Painted lined and ruled rendering wit...

Terraced four-bay three-storey house, built c.1830, remodelled c.1890, having timber shopfront of c.1900 to ground floor. Pitched slate roof with rendered chimneystack and block cornice with moulded b...

Entrance gateway, built c.1830, to Presentation Convent. Screen wall of pecked ashlar limestone having plinths, string course and English crenellations. Segmental carriage arch to centre flanked by el...

Mid-row four-bay three-storey house, probably formerly two houses, built c.1810. Pitched slate roof with block cornice, rendered coursed rubble limestone chimneystacks, and cast-iron rainwater goods. ...

Wall-mounted cast-iron post box, c.1905, with royal monogram of Edward VII, and 'POST OFFICE' in raised lettering. Set into dashed wall....

Detached three-bay two-storey over raised basement bishop's house, built 1824, on a T-shaped plan centred on single-bay full-height shallow breakfront; single-bay (single-bay deep) full-height central...

Detached five-bay (four-bay deep) three-storey over raised basement townhouse, built 1797, on a square plan; five-bay full-height rear (south) elevation. In alternative use, 1803-13. Adapted to alte...

Detached three-bay two-storey house, built 1912, on a rectangular plan; three-bay two-storey rear (south) elevation. Hipped slate roof with perforated crested terracotta ridge tiles extending into ro...

Detached H-plan college, dated 1858, having substantial later additions to north-east. Main façade of nine bays and three storeys with advanced gabled wings of two bays which are ends of flanking ran...

Freestanding multi-period Church of Ireland cathedral of Tuam, incorporating Hiberno-Romanesque chancel arch of c.1170 of earlier cathedral at centre, fourteenth-century chapter house at east, and cat...

End of terrace attached five-bay three-storey house, built c.1810. Pitched slate roof with lined and ruled rendered tall deep chimneystacks, and replacement uPVC rainwater goods. Cement rendered walls...

End of terrace attached five-bay two-storey house over half-basement, built 1782. Pitched slate roof, having rooflights, tall deep cement-rendered chimneystacks, and replacment rainwater goods. Cement...

Mid-row three-bay three-storey public house, built c.1880. Pitched slate roof, with cast-iron rainwater goods, brick chimneystacks. Painted rendered walls with raised vermiculated quoins, and string-c...

Corner-sited town hall, dated 1884. Complex building, main section having pitched slate roof with four-stage tower at corner. Central section of façade is of five bays and two storeys. Coursed rubble...

Terraced three-bay three-storey house, built c.1830, refaced and with shopfront added c.1890. Pitched slate roof with single chimneystack, and moulded cast-iron gutter supported by small brackets. Lin...

Corner-sited three-storey bank building, built c.1940. Originally Munster and Leinster Bank, now Allied Irish Bank. Four bays to Dublin Road and five bays to Vicar Street, with chamfered entrance bay ...

Terraced three-bay three-storey house, built c.1820, with raised basement. Pitched slate roof with single chimneystack. Rendered and painted walls with parallel raised quoins. Square-headed window ope...