Terraced three-bay three-storey house, built c.1820 as one of semi-detached pair, having integral carriage arch and fascia to ground floor. Pitched slate roof with cast-iron rainwater goods and render...

Detached four-bay two-storey house, built c.1820, having flat-roof porch to front elevation, canted oriel window with hipped roof to north gable, and single-storey lean-to extension to south gable. Pi...

Entrance gates to Eyrecourt Castle, erected c.1780, comprising pair of cut limestone square-profile piers with moulded cornices and cut-stone plinths and copings, latter topped with carved stone pinea...

Freestanding gable-fronted cruciform-plan Roman Catholic church, built c.1875, entrance facing west. Comprising three-bay nave, single-bay transepts and chancel, gable-fronted porch to front, recent f...

Detached two-storey vernacular house, built c.1800, having three-bay first floor and four-bay ground floor. Formerly thatched single-storey house, first floor added c.1920, with outbuilding attached t...

Freestanding gateway, built c.1860, comprising round-arch vehicular entrance flanked by lower round-arch pedestrian entrances. Roughly dressed granite rubble-work walls with later rubble-stone buttres...

Freestanding three-stage bell tower, built c.1860, formerly part of abbey. Rendered bellcote with moulded coping and cross finial behind rendered crenellation concealing roof, with cast-iron rainwater...

Detached six-bay single-storey L-plan former hotel with dormer floor, built c.1850, having four-bay south-east elevation. Projecting gable-fronted end bay to rear elevation and evidence of former port...

Detached four-bay single-storey house with attic, built c. 1860, now in use as restaurant. Second pile single-storey extension to rere and lean-to extension to west are later additions. Pitched thatch...

Single-arch road bridge spanning River Owenga, built c.1810. Snecked limestone construction comprising elliptical arch, gunnelled to soffit and interior of abutments, with dressed limestone voussoirs ...

Detached L-plan two-storey industrial school, with basement, built 1887, with eleven-bay façade having slightly projecting gable-fronted two-bay ends, and projecting porch, and having eleven-bay elev...

Terrace of five three-bay single-storey former workers' houses, built c.1850, having slightly lower paired pitched-roof returns to rear. Now in use as commercial space and private residences. Pitched ...

Freestanding four-bay gable-fronted church, built 1925, facing north, having bellcote to gable over projecting Romanesque-style order entrance entrance, projecting side chapels to east and west elevat...

Letterfrack Industrial School graveyard, opened c.1890, containing marked burials of seventy-eight children, of whom sixty-one died in the Christian Brothers' industrial school nearby. Burials marked ...

Freestanding U-plan house, built c.1849, having seven-bay east and west elevations, former being front and single-storey with gable-fronted two-bay projecting ends and latter being two-storey with sli...

Detached three-bay single-storey meeting house, built 1850, on a rectangular plan originally three-bay two-storey. Replacement pitched artificial slate roof with uPVC rainwater goods. Coursed rubble ...

Four-arch random rubble limestone road bridge, built c.1760, over Sinking River. Slightly pointed central arches flanked by segmental arches. Thin rubble stone voussoirs to arch rings, gunnelling to a...

Detached three-bay three-storey water mill, built c.1760, now derelict, with three-storey three-bay building attached to south and having single-storey return to rear. Three-storey east elevation. Two...

Detached four-bay two-storey house, built c.1810, having three-bay additional block of c.1830 at right angles to and projecting slightly forward of elevation. L-shaped plan with two later canted-bay w...

Freestanding limestone memorial, erected c.1890. Comprises stepped cut limestone base with sloping copings and carved motifs, tapering pedestal with inscribed stone plaque to west face, square shaft w...