Detached five-bay two-storey over basement former glebe house, built c. 1780. L-plan, extended to west c. 1850, glass conservatory to west and additions to north. Hipped slate roofs, clay ridge and ...

Reg No: 13900802

Detached four-bay two-storey house, built c. 1840. Rectangular-plan. extended to west c. 1900, gable-fronted single-storey porch to north, lean-to extension to north. Pitched slate roof, clay ridge ...

Detached five-bay two-storey thatched house, built c. 1750. Rectangular-plan, single-storey extension to east and return to rear (south), gable-fronted porch to centre of main (north) elevation. Tha...

Freestanding gable-fronted church, built 1858-74. Cruciform-plan with bellcote and pinnacles to south gable, single-storey gable-fronted porches to transepts. Pitched slate roof, crested ridge tiles...

Reg No: 13900806

Single-span stone railway bridge over road, built c. 1880, now disused. Coursed squared-and-snecked rock-face stone piers, spandrels, parapet and abutments, tooled stone copings to parapet. Segmental...

Reg No: 13900807

Detached three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1870. Rectangular-plan, flat-roofed extension to south, single-storey flat-roofed porch with moulded crenellated parapet and dentilled cornice to north. ...

Pier, built 1874-9, on a cranked plan with precast concrete block battered walls having cut-granite rounded coping. Set extending into Dundalk Bay....

Detached four-bay two-storey house, built c. 1870, incorporating fabric of earlier building. Hipped slate roof, terracotta ridge and hip tiles, red brick chimneystacks set at angle to base, dogtooth ...

Detached four-bay double-height school, built c. 1845, now disused. Rectangular-plan with single-bay gable-fronted breakfronts to north and south, lean-to extension in angle of south projection. Pi...

Freestanding Church of Ireland church, built c. 1845. Rectangular-plan with four-bay nave, dressed stone pitched stepped bellcote to west gable, gable-fronted chancel projecting to east, gable-fronte...

Freestanding multiple-bay single-storey church, dated 1762, extended 1818 and 1852, renovated and extended 1994. Rectangular-plan with projecting sacristy and square-plan belfry tower, 1818, to south...

Reg No: 13900813

Detached five-bay four-storey former granary, built c. 1810. Rectangular-plan, gable-fronted extension to east, ramp to north gable third-storey with squared coursed rubble plinth walling, rendered s...

Reg No: 13900814

Detached four-bay two-storey lime-washed farmhouse, built c. 1780. Rectangular-plan, three-bay two-storey main block, single-bay single-storey with attic block to west, lean-to porch to south, corrug...

Reg No: 13900815

Detached three-bay single-storey thatched house, built c. 1800. Rectangular-plan, gable-fronted porch to centre west elevation, two-bay single-storey extension to north. Thatched straw roof line, me...

Reg No: 13900816

Detached three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1910. Rectangular-plan, single-storey flat-roofed extension to west c. 1960. Pitched slate roof, rolled clay ridge tiles, smooth rendered corbelled chim...

Detached multiple-bay multiple-storey alcohol factory, built c. 1935, comprising two-storey entrance block to east of complex, rising to five storey tower-like block to centre of complex and double-he...

Reg No: 13900818

Detached five-bay single-storey whitewashed thatched direct-entry house, built c. 1800. Rectangular-plan, located perpendicular to road, lean-to corrugated-iron roofed outbuilding to west, forming pa...

Detached three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1920. Canted bay windows and projecting hipped porch to east elevation, three-bay two-storey kitchen wing to west. Pitched slate roofs, red brick should...

Detached three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1860. Hipped slate roof, clay ridge and hip tiles, smooth rendered corbelled chimneystacks, moulded cast-iron gutters to overhanging eaves with painted t...

Detached three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1880, no longer in use. Rectangular-plan, projecting flat-roofed porch to west, three-bay two-storey in line extension to south, two-storey flat-roofed r...