Terraced four-storey former house, built c.1820, having four-bay upper floors and multiple-bay ground floor, latter with two commercial units. Pitched slate roof having rendered chimneystack and cast...

Graveyard, established c.1500 and in continual use to today, with various cut-stone grave markers and mausolea, earliest visible date being 1745, although inscriptions on many markers now weathered be...

Three-bay three-storey house, built c.1830, having two shops to ground floor. Fenestration to top floor irregular. Pitched slate roof having rendered chimneystack with rendered coping to north gable, ...

Attached three-bay, two-storey former stable block, built c.1860, having hipped artificial slate roof and replacement metal rainwater goods. Coursed rubble limestone walls having cut limestone eaves c...

Detached three-bay three-storey former house, built c.1810, now in use as funeral home. Flat roof having rubble limestone chimneystack, replacement uPVC rainwater goods and rendered parapet with mould...

Five-bay three-storey over half-basement freestanding former lord mayor's residence, built c.1760, having three-bay breakfront. Hipped slate roof having rendered chimneystacks, cast-iron rainwater goo...

Semi-detached two-bay two-storey house, built c.1930, with projecting gabled south bay. Hipped slate roof, pitched to gabled bay, red-brick chimneystack with moulded render cornice, channelled rendere...

Semi-detached two-bay two-storey house, built c.1930, with projecting gabled south bay. Hipped slate roof, pitched to gabled bay, red-brick chimneystack with moulded render cornice, channelled rendere...

Attached three-bay two-storey house, built c.1920, having basement and attic, and three-storey to rear. Full-height canted end bays to front, and gabled two-storey extensions to rear. Hipped artifici...

Corner-sited terraced four-storey former house, built c.1830, having chamfered corner bay, further two bays to Cross Street Upper and single bay to High Street. Hipped slate roof with rendered chimney...

Corner-sited end of terrace two-storey with attic public house, built c.1600, and reordered c.1880, having two-bay elevations to two streets. Oriel window to corner at second floor level. Pitched slat...

Attached three-storey former house with recent attic storey, built c.1600, having three-bay upper floors and five-bay ground floor. Now in use as public house. Pitched slate roof having rendered chimn...

Terraced two-bay four-storey house, built c.1830, having domestic accommodation to upper storeys, and two shopfronts to ground floor. Pitched slate roof with rendered chimneystack. Lined-and-ruled ren...

Banks of Lower Corrib River, canalised c.1750, following relatively straight course from Salmon Weir, southwards into Galway Bay. Three bridges cross this section of river, Salmon Weir Bridge, William...

Rectangular-plan basin, built c.1880, enclosed on all sides, with quayside to west, wall dividing basin from River Corrib to east, and L-plan pier to south, with channel between wall and pier having c...

Attached eight-bay four-storey former warehouse, built c.1800, now restaurant and offices. Dormer attic and addition to rear are recent. Pitched slate roof having rendered chimneystacks and coping to ...

Three-storey medieval tower house, built c.1470, having single-bay ground and first floors and two-bay second floor. Recent commercial buildings flanking to each side are recessed slightly from tower ...

Quayside, built c.1750, with short pier at north end and rectagular-plan Old Dock at south-east end. Dock and quayside disused commercially, but maintained as largely pedestrianised area. Quayside of...

Dressed limestone pier, built c.1830, aligned east-west and having short north-south return to north side. Earlier north-south aligned pier to western end with later north-east-south-west aligned pier...

Terraced three-bay four-storey semi-detached former house, built c.1840, now in use as restaurant and offices. Pitched artificial slate roof having coursed rubble limestone chimneystacks, and replacem...