Attached three-bay single-storey with attic former head gardener's house, built c. 1880, now in private domestic use. Rectangular-plan, extension to east c.1980, attached to walled garden to south-ea...

Detached three-bay two-storey over basement house, built 1823. Single and two-storey return to west, stone porch to east. Hipped slate roof, clay ridge and hip tiles, yellow brick corbelled chimneys...

Four ranges of multiple-bay single- and two-storey stone stables, built 1823, attached to farm buildings to west. Stableyard with two-storey range to south and west, single-storey range to north and ...

Freestanding Church of Ireland church, built 1828, no longer in use. Three-bays to nave, projecting single-bay gable-fronted chancel to east and square-plan three-stage bell tower, terminating in oct...

Reg No: 13901412

Stone memorial gateway, dated 1919, leading to graveyard to south. Ashlar limestone walling, central four-centred arched opening flanked by lower side bays, vertical bay divisions marked by projectin...

Reg No: 13901413

Detached circular-plan windmill, built c. 1750, now in ruins. Random rubble stone walling. Narrow loop windows, stone lintels. Four-centred arched door openings to east and west, flat stone voussoir...

Detached four-bay two-storey house, built c. 1820. Single-bay two-storey extension to west of south elevation c. 1860 creating T-plan structure, single-storey porch and dormer window to south elevati...

Reg No: 13901415

Detached six-bay two-storey house, built c. 1820. L-plan, single-storey flat-roofed conservatory to west elevation, gable-fronted entrance porch to south elevation, c. 1970. Pitched slate roof, hipp...

Detached three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1820. Rectangular-plan, gable-fronted pitched roof entrance porch to north elevation, three-bay two-storey wing to west, conservatory to west of south el...

Single-arch stone road bridge over River Glyde, built c. 1820. Ashlar limestone walling to parapet, rock-faced limestone string course, tooled limestone coping. Segmental-headed arch, rock-faced vou...

Detached eight-bay two-storey with attic house, built c. 1740. Three two-storey returns to south, single- and two-storey extension to west c. 1800, squared bay windows to ground floor north elevation...

Detached three-bay single-storey former gate lodge, built c. 1850, now in private domestic use. Projecting entrance to north elevation, extension to south; entrance gate to north-east. Hipped slate ...

Detached three-bay two-storey former parochial house, built c. 1880, now in private domestic use. Rectangular-plan, timber porch to south elevation. Hipped slate roof, clay ridge tiles, smooth rende...

Reg No: 13901421

Stone memorial gateway, dated 1868, leading to graveyard to east. Tooled, elaborately carved limestone gates, pointed arch opening in pointed gabled hood, hood-moulding with carved head label-stops, ...

Detached multiple-bay two-storey house, built c. 1900. Irregular plan with gable-fronted projections to north-west gable front to north-east, projecting porches to north and south elevations, canted ...

Reg No: 13901423

Raised curvilinear graveyard, with interments from c. 1600. Enclosed by herringbone dry stone walling, elaborate stone entrance gate to west dated 1868. Range of headstones from unmarked grave marke...

Detached three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1820. L-plan, lean-to two-storey return to west, flat-roofed extensions to north-west c. 1960. Hipped slate roof, clay hip and ridge tiles, some lead fl...

Detached seventeen-bay two-storey house with attic, built c. 1780, remodelled and extended in Jacobean style, 1868, with curvilinear gables and gablets, and projecting bays. Pitched slate roofs with ...

Detached multiple-bay three-storey Georgian house, built c. 1760, now in ruins. Shallow projecting curved bow to the east of south elevation c. 1805, tower house to west c.1350. House destroyed by f...

Ranges of single- and two-storey stone outbuildings, built c. 1800, to Corbollis House (demolished c.1940). Ranges surround gravelled courtyard, smaller three-sided yard to south, various concrete le...