Reg No: 13902208
Detached three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1820. L-plan, portico to east, conservatory to south, lean-to and single-storey extensions to west, bathroom to first floor west elevation on cast-iron c...
Reg No: 13902209
Concrete pier, built c. 1900. Rectangular-plan, projects northwards into sea, currently being extended to east, stepped storm wall to east. Mass concrete construction. Concrete steps to west giving...
Reg No: 13902210
Pair of semi-detached single-storey houses, built c. 1800, amalgamated into single dwelling. Currently unoccupied. Three- and four-bay rectangular blocks set to L-plan with basement to north, lean-to...
Reg No: 13902211
Freestanding gable-fronted Roman Catholic church, dated 1865. Chancel to north, flat-roofed extension to north, raised gable-fronted porch, dated 2000. Pitched slate roofs, clay ridge cresting, tool...
Reg No: 13902212
Detached three-bay two-storey parochial house, built c. 1880. Full-height advanced entrance bay to south, two-storey return to north, extension to north-west. Hipped slate roofs, cat-slide roof to e...
Reg No: 13902213
Detached four-bay two-storey house, built c. 1800. Rectangular-plan, porch to south, lean-to and flat-roofed extensions to north. Pitched slate roof, clay ridge tiles, roughcast-rendered corbelled c...
Freestanding double-height single-cell Roman Catholic Church, dated 1846, with six-bay nave side elevations, single-bay three-stage entrance tower to east and single-bay single-storey vestry to west. ...
Reg No: 13902301
Detached four-bay single-storey lobby-entry thatched house, built c. 1820. Rectangular-plan, entrance porch to north. Suppressed-hipped straw thatched roof secured by chicken wire, metal sheeting to...
Reg No: 13902302
Single-arch road bridge over Mattock River, built c. 1840. Random rubble stone walls, dressed limestone coping to parapet, parapet replaced to east. Segmental-headed arches, ashlar limestone voussoi...
Detached single-storey six-bay stone engine shed, built c. 1860. Rectangular-plan, lower single-storey pitched roof wings to east side. Pitched corrugated asbestos sheet roof, asbestos ridge, circul...
Detached three-bay single-storey brick railway ancillary building, built c. 1875. Rectangular-plan. Pitched slate roof, clay ridge tiles, red brick corbelled chimneystack to east gable, dressed ston...
Freestanding three-bay two-storey water tower, dated 1873, on a rectangular plan. Red brick Flemish bond walls with red brick header bond cornice on frieze below parapet supporting embossed water tan...
Detached five-bay single-storey brick railway station, built c. 1860. Rectangular-plan, central stone three-bay flat-roofed entrance portico flanked by single-bay flat-roofed brick pavilions to south...
Detached single-storey timber parcel office, built c. 1900. Rectangular-plan, lean-to wing to west, cantilevered pitched roof canopy to north. Pitched slate roofs, roll-top clay ridge tiles, painted...
Attached three-bay single-storey brick station building, built c. 1860. Rectangular-plan, lean-to rendered extension to east, flat-roofed extension to west. Pitched slate roof, roll-top clay ridge t...
Reg No: 13902407
Detached three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1853. Rectangular-plan, two-storey lean-to to west (rear), two-storey hipped roof wing to north-west, single-storey hipped roof garden room to centre eas...
Reg No: 13902408
Detached five-bay two-storey farm house, built c. 1870, now disused. Rectangular-plan, return to north, porch to south, attached to two-storey smooth rendered building to west. Pitched slate roofs, ...
Reg No: 13902409
Detached five-bay two-storey house, built c. 1820. Porch to south, attached outbuilding to west. Pitched slate roof, hipped roof to porch, clay ridge tiles, smooth rendered shouldered corbelled chim...
Reg No: 13902410
Single-span iron girder road bridge over River Boyne, built 1868, on rock-faced limestone piers. Limestone ashlar piers to north and south ends with recessed panels, cut stone cappings. Suspended re...
Reg No: 13902411
Gateway, built c. 1810, comprising pair of square limestone ashlar piers with recessed panels, string course, cut stone capping and wrought-iron double gates with cast-iron spearhead finials; flanked ...