Reg No: 13901822
Detached four-bay two-storey former glebe house, built 1782. Rectangular-plan, pedimented entrance breakfront to north, two-bay two-storey wing to west, single-bay addition to south-east. Pitched sl...
Reg No: 13901823
Detached three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1820. Gable-fronted porch to south, single-storey wings to east and west. Pitched slate roof, clay ridge tiles, smooth rendered chimneystack, half-circu...
Reg No: 13901824
Detached three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1840. L-plan, three-bay two-storey south main block, gable-fronted block to north-west, canted bay to east, flat-roofed single-storey porch to north. Pi...
Reg No: 13901825
Detached three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1880. Hipped roofed porch to south, conservatory to west, garage to north-east. Hipped slate roofs, clay ridge tiles, smooth rendered corbelled chimneys...
Reg No: 13901826
Detached three-bay three-storey house, built c. 1760. Single-bay two-storey wings to north and south c. 1830, round rendered tower to rear (west) with pierced battlements and conical copper roof c. 1...
Reg No: 13901827
Rendered and stone stableyard, built c. 1820. Irregular plan, single- and two-storey outbuildings gathered around central yard, screen wall to east. Pitched, hipped and lean-to slate roofs, clay rid...
Reg No: 13901828
Detached three-bay two-storey over basement house, built c. 1820. Two-storey over basement lean-to return to west, single-storey over basement lean-to to north-west, three-bay two-storey addition to ...
Reg No: 13901829
Detached three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1800. Two-storey lean-to return to north, hipped roofed porch c. 1970. Pitched slate roof, red brick and smooth rendered corbelled chimneystacks, cast-i...
Reg No: 13901831
Detached five-bay single-storey thatched house, built c. 1800. Rectangular-plan, entrance porch to west, corrugated-iron roofed addition to north. Pitched thatched roof, vinyl ridge, painted smooth ...
Reg No: 13901832
Freestanding double-height Roman Catholic church, built 1826. T-plan, two-bays to nave, single-bay to transepts; four stage pinnacled stone entrance tower, added 1843, terminating in broach spire, ad...
Reg No: 13901833
Detached five-bay two-storey over basement house, built c. 1850. Return to west, built c. 1870, further two-storey extension to west, porch to east elevation. Hipped slate roof hidden by parapet, cl...
Reg No: 13901834
Attached three-bay single-storey miller's house, built c. 1820, now disused. Abutting mill to south. Hipped slate roof, clay hip and ridge tiles, projecting eaves, painted timber soffit, timber eave...
Reg No: 13901835
Single-arch bridge, built c. 1840, crossing the River Dee. Random rubble stone spandrels and parapet, tooled limestone coping to parapet. Rock-faced limestone voussoirs to arch. Tarmacadam surface ...
Reg No: 13901837
Humpback four-arched stone road-over-river bridge, built c. 1750, crossing the River Dee. Coursed rubble stone spandrels and parapets, vertical coping to parapets, Random rubble stone voussoirs to a...
Reg No: 13901838
Freestanding octagonal tooled limestone mausoleum, dated 1868. Slate roof, lead ridges, wrought-iron cross finial; squared limestone walling, projecting chamfered plinth and ashlar buttresses to angl...
Reg No: 13901839
Freestanding Church of Ireland church, built 1845. Three-bay nave, single-bay chancel to east, gable-fronted entrance porch to south, gable-fronted vestry to north. Pitched slate roof over nave, st...
Reg No: 13901840
Detached three-bay two-storey over basement former rectory, built c. 1800, now in use a private house. Decorative cast-iron veranda to north elevation. Pitched slate roof, clay ridge tiles, smooth r...
Reg No: 13901841
Detached multiple-bay two-storey corn mill, built c. 1800, no longer in use. L-plan, single-story stone addition to north, cast-iron and timber wheel to south. Remains of pitched slate roof, clay r...
Reg No: 13901842
Detached seven-bay two-storey house, built c. 1720, with lean-to extension to west, outbuildings to east. Pitched corrugated-iron roof to south, roof missing to north, exposed undressed tree branch r...
Reg No: 13901901
Detached three-bay single-storey with attic house, built c. 1880. Canted single-storey hipped roof porch to front (east) elevation, central pitched roofed return to west, single-pitch extension to so...