Reg No: 13901701
Detached multiple-bay house, built c. 1740, now used as guest house. Irregular plan, medieval tower house, c. 1320, to centre of east elevation, three-bay two-storey wing to south and three-bay two-s...
Reg No: 13901702
Detached three-bay two-storey former gate lodge, built c. 1840, now in private domestic use. Rectangular-plan, projecting gable-fronted full-height entrance bay to north, single-storey flat asphalt r...
Reg No: 13901703
Detached five-bay single-storey house, built c. 1840. T-plan, projecting glazed porch to east, pitched roofed porch to west, single-bay hipped roof projecting to north. Hipped fibre-cement pantile r...
Reg No: 13901704
Detached three-bay two-storey stone former school master's house, built 1867, now in private domestic use. T-plan, gable-fronted extension to east of north elevation c. 1970, single-storey flat-roofe...
Reg No: 13901705
Detached four-bay two-storey house, built c. 1860. T-plan, single-bay hipped roofed breakfronts to south of east and west elevations, canted-bay to ground floor of south breakfront, entrance porch to...
Reg No: 13901706
Detached five-bay two-storey over basement house, built 1858. Projecting entrance porch to centre east elevation. Hipped slate roof, clay ridge tiles, red brick corbelled chimneystacks, stepped ston...
Reg No: 13901708
Detached five-bay three-storey over basement former rectory, built c. 1780, now in use as private house. Single-storey flat-roofed extension and hipped roof porch to west. Pitched slate roofs, clay ...
Reg No: 13901709
Detached two-bay single-storey gate lodge, built c. 1820, no longer in use. Pitched slate roof, red brick chimneystack, cast-iron gutters on corbelled eaves course, exposed timber rafter ends to east...
Reg No: 13901710
Detached three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1850, incorporating fabric of eighteenth century building, remodelled and replacement fittings inserted, c. 1920. L-plan, returning four-bays to north, g...
Reg No: 13901711
Brick entrance gateway, built c. 1860, to Richardstown Castle. Square-profile brick gate piers to central opening, granite plinth, yellow brick quoin motif to angles, limestone caps with round-headed...
Reg No: 13901712
Detached three-bay three-storey house, built c. 1770. Fourteenth century tower house, four-storeys with four round corner towers to south, extensions to rear (west) elevation c. 1860, central crenell...
Reg No: 13901713
Detached three-bay single-storey former gate lodge, built c. 1860, now in private domestic use. Projecting gable-front entrance porch to south, four-bay single-storey extension north. Pitched slate ...
Reg No: 13901714
Detached three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1820. L-plan, two-bay two-storey to south of east elevation, single-storey addition to south-west, entrance door at north-east angle under lean-to porch....
Reg No: 13901715
Detached three-bay two-storey with attic house, built c. 1810. Rectangular-plan, full-height canted bay windows to east and west of south elevation, entrance porch to south elevation, lean-to extensi...
Reg No: 13901716
Detached three-bay two-storey Arts and Crafts style house, built 1912. Irregular plan, returning two-bays to east with gable-fronts to north, south and east; extensively extended to north and west; p...
Reg No: 13901717
Detached five-bay two-storey house, built c. 1780. Rectangular-plan, single-storey extension to east. Pitched artificial slate roof, brick corbelled chimneystacks, uPVC rainwater goods. Painted rou...
Reg No: 13901718
Detached three-bay single-storey house, built c. 1890, four-bay two-storey extension south-east, c. 1920, having gable-fronted breakfront to north and east elevations and two-storey box bays projectin...
Reg No: 13901719
Detached five-bay two-storey over basement house, built c. 1870. Hipped slate roofs with eaves brackets and red brick chimneystacks. Rendered walls with limestone quoins and string course between fl...
Reg No: 13901720
Detached seven-bay two-storey house, built c.1750. Lean-to cat-slide roofed extension to west of north elevation, pitched two-storey return to east of north elevation, slight projecting entrance porc...
Reg No: 13901801
Limestone entrance gates, built c. 1800, to Rockeby Hall. Square-profiled rusticated ashlar limestone piers, fluted frieze, carved corbelled cornice surmounted by dressed limestone orb finials standi...