Reg No: 13833002
Detached three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1870. Open porch with lean-to roof projecting from north (front) elevation, lower two-storey return to south (rear). Pitched slate roof, roll-top red cl...
Reg No: 13833003
Detached single-storey with attic school, built c. 1840, no longer in use. T-plan main block, lower wings set in south-east and south-west internal angles. Hipped slate roofs, stone ridge and hip ti...
Reg No: 13833004
Freestanding former Church of Ireland church, dated 1838, now being converted for residential use. Three-bay nave, three-stage pinnacled square tower centrally located at west end, single-bay chancel...
Reg No: 13833005
Detached two-storey former rectory, built c. 1800, altered and extended c. 1860, now in use as private house. Hipped slate roofs with rendered chimneystacks. Rendered walls. Timber sliding sash win...
Reg No: 13833006
Archival Description [Burnt 2007]: Detached three-bay single-storey over basement house with half-dormer attic, extant 1816, on a rectangular plan centred on single-bay single-storey gabled projecting...
Reg No: 13833007
Detached three-bay single-storey house, built c. 1860. Rectangular-plan, gabled porch to south, flat-roofed extension to north. Pitched slate roofs, concrete ridge tiles, red brick chimneystacks wit...
Reg No: 13833008
Terrace of four two-bay two-storey former coastguard houses, built c. 1800, with senior coastguard's house at east end, now in private domestic use. Rectangular-plan, gable-fronted porch to north fa...
Reg No: 13833010
Detached three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1800. L-plan, two-storey return to west elevation set in internal angle, single-storey block to south. Pitched slate roofs, roll-top clay ridge tiles, p...
Detached ten-bay two-storey ration store, built c. 1870. Rectangular-plan, cast-iron balcony to first floor east elevation with staircase on north gable. Pitched slate roof, roll-top slate ridge til...
Attached five-bay two-storey office building, built c. 1840. Rectangular-plan, single-bay wings to north and south added c. 1850. Pitched slate roofs, clay ridge tiles, corbelled brick chimneystacks...
Detached ten-bay three-storey former linen manufacturing building, built c. 1790, converted to use as barracks, c. 1825. Oblong on plan, single-storey lean-to garage to east. Hipped slate roof, ston...
Detached three-bay single-storey hospital, built c. 1920. Rectangular-plan. Pitched artificial slate roof, clay ridge tiles, tooled ashlar stone chimneystacks on naked of south elevation with projec...
Detached three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1825. L-plan returning to north-east, small projection in internal corner to north elevation. Hipped slate roof, clay ridge tiles, unpainted smooth rend...
Attached four-bay two-storey outbuilding, built c. 1825, now in use as workshop. Rectangular-plan, stone external staircase to south elevation. Pitched slate roof, stone ridge tiles, stone verge cop...
Attached three-bay two-storey target store, built c. 1825. Pitched slate roof, clay ridge tiles, tooled limestone verge copings returning at kneelers, cast-iron gutters on wrought-iron drive-in brack...
Reg No: 13707001
Corner-sited end-of-terrace three-bay two-storey over basement with attic former house, dated 1834, now used as offices. Full-height projecting gabled centre bay to east, two-storey advanced gable-fr...
Reg No: 13707002
Terraced one-and-a-half-bay two-storey over basement with attic house, dated 1834. Full-height gabled projecting bay shared with house to west. Pitched slate roofs, clay ridge tiles, red brick corbe...
Reg No: 13707003
Terraced one-and-a-half-bay two-storey over basement with attic house, dated 1834. Full-height gabled projecting bay shared with house to east. Pitched slate roofs, clay ridge tiles, red brick corbe...
Reg No: 13707004
Terraced one-and-a-half-bay two-storey over basement with attic house, dated 1834. Full-height gabled projecting bay shared with house to west. Pitched slate roofs, clay ridge tiles, red brick corbe...
Reg No: 13707005
Terraced one-and-a-half-bay two-storey over basement with attic house, dated 1834. Full-height gabled projecting bay shared with house to east. Pitched slate roofs, clay ridge tiles, red brick corbe...