Reg No: 13707066
Terrace of ten two-bay two-storey former railway workers' houses, built c. 1905, now in private domestic use. Gabled bays to east elevations. Pitched slate roofs, clay ridge tiles, brick corbelled chi...
Detached three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1900. Projecting gable-fronted end bay and flat-roofed porch to south elevation, full-height canted bays to south and west elevations, single-storey exte...
Semi-detached two-bay two-storey with attic house, built c. 1905. L- plan , two-storey box bay to south, projecting bay to east with single-storey porch to inner angle, two-storey return to north. P...
Reg No: 13707070
End-of-terrace two-bay two-storey with attic house, built c. 1880. Pitched slate roof, clay ridge tiles, red brick corbelled chimneystack with raised banding, dormer window with carved timber bargebo...
Reg No: 13707071
Terraced two-bay two-storey with attic house, built c. 1880. Pitched slate roof, clay ridge tiles, red brick corbelled chimneystack with raised banding, flat-roofed dormer with painted timber vertica...
Reg No: 13707072
Terraced two-bay two-storey with attic house, built c. 1880. Pitched slate roof, clay ridge tiles, red brick corbelled chimneystack with raised banding, dormer window with carved timber bargeboards, ...
Reg No: 13707073
Terraced two-bay two-storey with attic house, built c. 1880. Pitched slate roof, clay ridge tiles, red brick corbelled chimneystack with raised banding, dormer window with carved timber bargeboards, ...
Reg No: 13707074
End-of-terrace two-bay two-storey with attic house, built c. 1880. Pitched slate roof, clay ridge tiles, red brick corbelled chimneystack with raised banding, dormer window with carved timber bargebo...
Reg No: 13707075
Detached five-bay two-storey with attic brick brewery building, dated 1897. Central projecting bay to south elevation extending to dormer at roof level. Hipped slate roof, crested clay ridge tiles, ...
Reg No: 13707076
Detached thirteen-bay single-storey school, dated 1900. Projecting pedimented former porch to north, lean-to porches to south, extensions to east, flat-roofed extensions to north. Pitched slate roof...
Reg No: 13823001
Corner-sited detached four-bay two-storey bank, built c. 1890, extended c. 1980. Single-storey hipped porches to north and south of front (west) elevation; porch to south housing cash machine; single...
Reg No: 13823003
Terraced three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1860. Pitched slate roof, clay ridge tiles, smooth rendered chimneystack with flat cap, moulded cast-iron gutters on eaves corbel course, circular cast-i...
Reg No: 13823004
Attached multiple-bay four-storey stone tower house, built c. 1600, converted to court house c. 1850. Projecting corner towers to north-west and south-west, largely rebuilt c. 1850, three-bay two-sto...
Reg No: 13823005
Terraced two-bay two-storey house, built c. 1840. Two-storey return to east partially engaged with castle to north. Pitched slate roof, cast-iron gutters, ornamental hopper head, moulded aluminium d...
Reg No: 13823006
Terraced five-bay two-storey house, built c. 1840. Integral carriage arch to north, shopfront inserted to south c. 1970, two-storey extension to east, further additions to north and east c. 1970. Pi...
Reg No: 13823007
End-of-terrace eleven-bay two-storey former bakery, built c. 1860, now in use as builder's yard. Single-storey return to south-east c. 1950, along Tisdale Street. Hipped slate roof, clay ridge and h...
Reg No: 13823008
Single-span road bridge over river, built c. 1860. Tooled squared-and-snecked stone spandrels, tooled ashlar parapets with curved top surface, rock-faced string course at deck level, rock-faced stone...
Reg No: 13823009
Attached five-bay two-storey house, built c. 1870, now also in use as clinic. Northern most bay angled to follow streetline, two-storey rendered pitched and flat roof returns to rear (east). Pitched...
Corner-sited attached five-bay three-storey warehouse, built c.1870, now undergoing renovation. Roof removed during building work. Uncoursed random rubble stone walling. Square-headed window openin...
Reg No: 13823011
Attached six-bay three-storey gable-fronted former warehouse, built c. 1870, now in use as apartments and amusement arcade. Rectangular-plan, westernmost two-bays angled, single-storey flat-roofed ex...