Attached multiple-bay three-storey gable-fronted warehouse, built c. 1860. L-plan with attached in-situ concrete warehouse c.1960 to north incorporating west wall of part of original warehouse, furth...

Detached five-bay two-storey monastery, built c. 1890. T-plan with central breakfront to south block (front elevation), metal fire escape to north-east of south block, single-storey pitched roof serv...

Detached three-bay two-storey parochial house, built c. 1870. Square on plan, two-storey returns to north, single-storey flat-roofed entrance porch to south c. 1900. Hipped slate roofs, lead-capped ...

Gateway, built c. 1860. Pair of limestone ashlar octagonal gate piers, quadrant wing walls, gabled pedestrian entrance gateway to east. Piers with projecting chamfered plinths, splayed string course...

Detached single-storey with attic former gate lodge, built c. 1860, now in use as private residence. Canted five-sided extension to east. Pitched slate roof, roll-top clay ridge tiles, unpainted smo...

Detached single-storey former school, built c. 1920, now in use as a community facility. Two four-bay buildings arranged in L-plan with flat-roofed corrugated-iron garage in south-east corner. Pitch...

Attached five-bay two-storey stone convent school, built c. 1855, no longer in use as school, now used as convent. Rectangular-plan gabled to east and west, three-bay two-storey projection to west, e...

Attached multiple-bay three-storey convent, built 1858. Main block rectangular-plan, two two-bay gabled breakfronts to east (front) elevation, three-bay section between breakfronts, two-bay section t...

Attached stone chapel, built c. 1870. Two-bay aisle to north between main convent and square-plan two-storey gabled stair tower to north-west, projecting single-storey gabled porch to south-west. Pi...

Terraced three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1830. Integral carriage arch to east, single-storey lean-to return to south-west (rear) elevation, single-storey flat-roofed extension centre rear. Pitc...

Terraced three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1830, now also in use as shop. Integral carriage arch to south, single-storey flat-roofed extension to west side of south (rear) elevation. Pitched slat...

Detached multiple-bay single-storey school, built 1938. Central gabled projecting wing at front (west), L-plan south and north wings each returning to east, return of north wing longer than south, ea...

Detached multi-bay Roman Catholic church, built 1974. Octagonal plan, flat-roofed main entrance to east with cantilevered canopy, secondary entrances to north, south and west. Hipped concrete tile r...

Detached T-plan multiple-bay former workhouse, built c. 1850, later used as vocational school, now in commercial use. Fifteen-bay two-storey east-facing main block with engaged pedimented square towe...

Freestanding former Roman Catholic church, built 1829, remodelled 1860, deconsecrated 1974, later used as shop and now disused. Rectangular-plan main block, three-bay south (front) elevation with cen...

Freestanding stone gateway, built c. 1860. Segmental-headed opening leading from carpark to south to stone steps to north descending to graveyard. Squared rubble stone walling, tooled ashlar quoins ...

Attached five-bay two-storey house, built c. 1900, with pub to ground floor. Elaborate pub front to south, central entrance door giving to first floor, simpler shopfront to north, integral carriage a...

Attached five-bay three-storey former house, built c. 1800, now in use as flats. U-plan, lower two-storey extension to west c. 1900. Pitched artificial slate roofs, clay ridge tiles, red brick flat-...

Corner-sited attached four-bay two-storey house, built c. 1830, also in use as shops. Pitched slate roof, clay ridge tiles, painted smooth rendered ruled-and-lined flat-capped chimneystacks each with...

Detached three-bay two-storey former rectory, built c. 1910, now in use as guest house. L-plan, full-height rectangular gabled bays projecting from north and west elevations, single-storey lean-to po...