Attached four-bay three-storey commercial premises, dated 1863. Now in use as a shop. Rendered shopfront to ground floor. Roof hidden behind balustraded parapet, rendered chimneystacks. Painted sm...

Attached three-bay three-storey former house, built c. 1870, now in use as apartments with office to ground floor. Pitched slate roof, clay ridge tiles, red brick corbelled chimneystack, roof part hi...

Attached five-bay three-storey shop, built c. 1870, now split into two shops with offices to upper floors. Roof hidden behind parapet, red brick corbelled chimneystack, cast-iron half-round gutters t...

Attached two-bay three-storey house, built c. 1810, now with public house to ground floor. Built as pair with building to north. Pitched slate roof, clay ridge tiles, uPVC gutters on corbelled eaves...

Attached two-bay three-storey with attic former shop, built c. 1870, now in use as hotel. Pitched slate roof part hidden by painted brick wall parapet, painted smooth rendered corbelled chimneystacks...

Detached three-bay three-storey over basement former bank, built c. 1845, remodelled c. 1930, now in use as bookmakers. Projecting square-profile limestone entrance porch to east, attached via gate a...

Attached four-bay three-storey house, built c. 1840, formerly a pair of two-bay houses. Renovated and extended to east, now with shops to ground floor. Central carriage way through building to stab...

Detached seven-bay two-storey former cinema, built c. 1930, now in use as community workshop. Pedimented central breakfront to east elevation, six-bay cinema auditorium block with projecting square-p...

Subterranean stone icehouse, built c. 1780, now disused. Vaulted chambers to north and south linked via passageway with flight of cut limestone entrance steps to east. Barrel-vaulted lower (south) c...

Freestanding timber and glazed signal box, built c. 1880, originally sited on northern railway tracks, relocated 1997 to station platform. Now disused. Pitched slate roof, red brick corbelled chimn...

Detached six-bay single-storey brick-built railway building, built c. 1875, part of station complex. Pitched slate roof, yellow brick shouldered corbelled chimneystacks with raised banding and chevro...

Freestanding Greek Revival court house, built 1813-1819. Hexastyle Greek Doric entrance portico on granite plinth to west elevation, oblong full-height main entrance vestibule, higher rectangular two...

End-of-terrace two-bay three-storey former house, built c. 1870, now in use as shop. Shopfront extends into ground floor of neighbouring property to west. Pitched slate roof, clay ridge tiles, corbe...

Terraced two-bay three-storey former house, built c. 1870, now in use as office. Pitched slate roof, clay ridge tiles, corbelled brick chimneystack, moulded cast-iron gutters on eaves corbel course. ...

Terraced two-bay three-storey former house, built c. 1870, now in commercial use. Pitched artificial slate roof, clay ridge tiles, unpainted smooth rendered corbelled chimneystack, moulded cast-iron ...

Terraced three-bay three-storey house, built c. 1870, with integral carriage arch. Now also in commercial use. Pitched slate roof, clay ridge tiles, unpainted smooth rendered corbelled chimneystack,...

Terraced two-bay three-storey former house, built c. 1870, now in use as public house. Pitched slate roof, clay ridge tiles, unpainted smooth rendered corbelled chimneystack, moulded cast-iron gutter...

End-of-terrace two-bay three-storey house, built c. 1870, now also in commercial use. Pitched slate roof, clay ridge tiles, unpainted smooth rendered corbelled chimneystack, moulded cast-iron gutters...

Attached seven-bay two-storey municipal building, built 1859-64. Slightly recessed central bay with deeper recessed open porch. Roof concealed behind sandstone balustraded parapet on blocking course...

Detached five-bay three-storey bank, dated 1860. Single-bay breakfronts to east and west of south elevation, return to north-west, carriage arch to east. Shallow pitched artificial slate roof hidden...